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Few pics of my festae and GT


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Females are supposed to be nicer, but I'm quite happy with his colour so far, probably not even mature yet 8) , gonna replace sand with a darker gravel -@ Morcs: got meself a double white t5 tube 3ft light for $100, so running that as well as a double 4ft flourescent tube light. See if plants will do well in here also, festae doesnt appear to dig in the sand, neither do the GT's. Upped the water changes also, hopefully some wicked growth now :hail:

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Festae looks great!! I'd leave the lighter substrate, mine are on "brightwater" gravel and are all quite dark, that and possibly the fact that I have [most likely] seven males in the tank together. Mine are all quite shy, planning on moving them into the 5' as soon as I get the big tank running [hopefully soon!] and adding some dither fish to try to get them coming out a bit more. The one likely female I moved into the 6' with the clowns has gone from being shy to really active.

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Females are supposed to be nicer, but I'm quite happy with his colour so far, probably not even mature yet 8) , gonna replace sand with a darker gravel -@ Morcs: got meself a double white t5 tube 3ft light for $100, so running that as well as a double 4ft flourescent tube light. See if plants will do well in here also, festae doesnt appear to dig in the sand, neither do the GT's. Upped the water changes also, hopefully some wicked growth now :hail:


Itll be pretty spectacular if the GT and RT decide to lip lock when they are bigger :P

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Still cant get over the colour in the festae, amazing! Cant wait to get one off david!

Heres my little nasty, he is the dominant GT in the tank (3m and 1f), quickly took dominance off my older male that i have had a while but he has never fed well. This guy is just a pig tho. Also threw a pic of my female salvini :)




Excuse the ditrty glass!

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Nice GT bro, looks a bit more developed than my one, there is also quite a nice one in HFF roskill, but i think its sold. Whats the difference between a GT and a gold saum? no difference?

Very minor differences, gold suam is what you have, also known as the false GT. true GTs are seldom seen, ever in the states.

Because of that, everyone refers to false GTs just as GTs anyway,

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My big male is from the same shipment as the ones currently at hollywood, (as is my smaller male and the female) he is only about 3.5 inches long. Getting the hump already! My older one which is about the same size as the dominant guy pictured is probably a saum and looks kinda similar to yours, has more blue/green around the gills than the GT pictured.

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Nice GT bro, looks a bit more developed than my one, there is also quite a nice one in HFF roskill, but i think its sold. Whats the difference between a GT and a gold saum? no difference?

man, don't even start on that, there's been so many round-and-round debates on MFK!!! :lol:

So many varying opinions, made much worse by people trying to use the name "green terror" as though its some sort of official scientific name that only applies to one species. People seem to get all wound up about the "true green terror" when what they are really trying to say is the "true Aequidens rivulatus". The true A. rivulatus is rarely seen in the hobby, what we get is a different fish of the same Genus, as-yet undescribed AFAIK. There is also the silver saum and silber saum, which may or may not be the same thing depending on who you ask (silber is German for silver IIRC).

Either way, the green terrors/gold saums that we get here are IMO the nicest looking, they are more colourful and have a bright orange seam [saum] along the dorsal fin.

Im sure the ones left at HFF Albany will sell now

You manage to find another female for your guy???

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i have a male + female, male is a pussy, female DOMINATES him :lol: He needs to toughen up. She eats a lot of food, he is a little more reserved. He looks awesome when he flares, to be honest, I thought the festae would beat on everything, but hes quite submissive especially if you compare him to an oscar or jag cichlid. How big do you reckon the festae and male GOLD SAUM will get?

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festae should get to over a foot, so at the current size its still really a juvi, which may explain the mild temper, watch out when it gets to 6-7". I've also read that they're a lot more mild when kept singally, its only when breeding they get super aggressive.

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Henward, have a look at the countless festae sex threads on MFK. From what I've read the black in the dorsal is very unreliable, and the blue speckles in the dorsal/tail/anal fins are a much better indication. Because I had mine in a group I was also able to observe their behaviour and the one of mine I'm picking as a female wasn't fighting with the other 7 as much, and "she" is showing much less of the blue in her fins than the other 7, even the less dominant ones (which also have black in the dorsal fin).

My money is still on male for Frasers fish, I guess only time will tell.

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