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Conflicting suggestions how to know what to do?


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Here I go spending a fortune (small one :roll: ) on a product that is suggested by someone only to then get others to say not to use it. This is the 3rd time in a week. How can I know which is the best suggestion and what to do?

Some tell you to change 2-3 times a day up to 30% and someone else says that stresses the fish too much, but I already done it.

PS a very helpful person came out to help me with amonia levels and nitrite - nitrate etc and that was sooooo very much appreciated. Some wonderful people here with some great knowledge but............!! :bounce:

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sometimes it is hard to know the facts when you are a newbie :D

and one function of the forum is to help newbies keep going in the hobby

totally, but the facts are what ever info is available of what ever the problem is that requires 30% somethings 3 times a day. :)

let me rephrase that, what can you tell us about what is wrong so we can give you our opinion from our experience :D

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what problem are you refering to???

there are many different opinions on some things, what are the facts?

I think Omaria is referring to this thread about her oddly behaving live bearer.

As the other's have said Omaria - you get different opinions from different people. Just remember that we are trying to offer advice to help, some of which are from our own experience. But there are always bound to be differing opinions. :D

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Remember advice can only be given based on the information given. Such information may, or may not, be accurate or complete (not inferring anything here Omaria, but speaking generally :wink: )

Someone might see a problem tank or fish "in the flesh" and note something else that the poster had not thought to mention.

Note all suggestions then see which you think fits most closely to your specific problem and act accordingly.

In this case there may be a combination of factors affecting the fish and so one or more people may all be right :wink:

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