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spoons upgrade to 500mm cube new pics updated-23/11/10


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i have had the nano set up for maybe 3 months now just to prove to myself i was up to keeping marines im happy with the results but have some things i want to do differently on my next tank. so i have just brought a 500mm cube which will give me a greater choice of livestock and more stability. the cube is drilled with an internal partition(painted black) and overflow on the back wall . the partition is also drilled and two bulkhead fittings are attached with loc line fittings threaded on. the bottom of the tank is drilled behind the partition to allow for a standpipe and a back-up stand pipe. i also got a 150w MH fitting with it that has an electronic ballast (thanks MyXsPtlK).

so the fun now begins i have to build a hood and modify a table i have to make a stand

for the hood im gonna leave plenty of room to add extra things to the hood , im playing with the idea of a syphon surge system will also add actinic pl tubes though im unsure which fitting to use atm i have a 36w and a 24w i can salvage from my nano .for the sump i plan to diy this as well and use my current nano tank and sump as a sump and refugium . i will be using lids on all of the tanks to reduce evaporation however i will plan into it using fans to help with heat issues in case i have any in summer. i will use a diy ATO also when i get that far along but right now im going to be busy building the stand and hood


loc-line in overflow partition




veiw of back of tank with two holes drilled in bottom for standpipe plumbing


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got the stand mostly built and primed its going to be spray painted black





all i have to do is build a small stand for the refugium which will be a 1.5ft tank that sits inside the cabinet offset and above the sump which is a slightly bigger tank(my old nano display and sump! )

tank is relative position of sump empty space next to it will be under refugium and used for storage


then i will get some mdf skirting board for around the top of the tank to hide the bottom inch of the tank (and to even it up visually for the hood i plan to build) i may also add more ventilation holes in the cabinet

this is the 150MH unit im going to build into the hood im going to use a 10k bulb


supplementry lighting will be in the form of these two pl bulbs on my nano at present

but i will use marine blue tubes in both of them blue one 24w other is 36w


have started plumbing work also using flexible pipe and irrigation fittings where possible


i also plan to use a carlson surge device of about 4l on this tank so i played around with the idea but on my 5ft african tank

here is a trial run


the current produced by it- Note its only a 5l bucket and 5l in a 540l tank is not enough to raise the water level by much



its fed by a jebo cannister filter here and the syphon tube is not big enough so i m planning to use a old kitchen s-bend or part of and plumb it to a hansen tank fitting that way it should be able to empty the bucket in a matter of seconds rather than about 1min as it currently takes although if this is too much i can reduce the diameter of the pipe before it enters the tank. overall i found the noise of this suitable for a living room but not suitable for a bedroom

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well hood is now over halfway i have make up one more support for the pl 24w fitting and affix a lid and front panel which will lift up

here is a back veiw showing the cooling fan for MH


veiw of inside not much to look at just MH fitting


all up so far..........


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

atm im doing about 14l per a week water change but will up this as soon as my sump is built as ill drill a hole and plumb a bulkhead fitting and tap for easy draining , i top up daily manually as i havnt built an ATO system yet again waiting for the sump then will use a 20l water container pressurised by a small DC airpump connected to a cheap ebay float switch.

i feed a small amount of flake once daily and bloodworms and plankton every few days

the lights are 1x 150W MH @14K

1x 24w Pl tube @ actinic wavelength

1x 36w pl tube @ 50/50 10K/Actinic

however i still have to modify the hood to enable the lights to be lowered for better lighting and raised for acess , im still thinking through how im going to do this

temp is set to 25 deg i have a temp controller wired to a small box with switched socket outlets one for the heater another for cpu power supply to power fans for cooling (atm im running 1x 120mm fan built in to the hood (primarily to cool the MH) and a small fan in the base cabinet

i plan on getting a jebo 4 or 6 head fan unit and mounting it on the display tank divider over the overflow as there is a larger surface of water in there (due to it running down the glass partition)

one the sump is built

here is a pic


i will mount all equipment i plan to use and cut out a perspex lid to fit around it all as im already finding condensation to be a problem inside the cabinet im using a Bubble magus NAC6A skimmer , a sensen 4500lph return pump using flexible 20mm pipe and irragtion fittings a plan to run a dsb and grow some macro in the sump also.

currently im running a small DIY reactor style filter for the carbon and phospahte remover but i will most likely buy a proper , bigger one and perhaps experiment using purigen in the small diy one

cost so far

tank and mH (lamp holder and ballast) including partition and some plumbing fittings $160

return pump $80

skimmer $300

cabinet and hood -around $50 for materials (2nd hand from musgroves) and around $50 for paint

MH bulb $15

36w PL fitting $40 and tube $36

24w pl fitting free + tube $20

misc plumbing supplies around about $60

temp controller $40

lots of other stuff ive had lying around that i put to good use in this project = free

ive probably forgotten somethings as well

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also livestock

1x common clown $65

1x blue damsel $40

1x pj cardinal $35

2 x nz glass shrimp free from carsandkats

then i have some red macro $15 on live rock

kenya tree frag $30 (actually has the same red macro growing on attached rock)

green star polyp $15

hammer and zoo frags free from loopy

im going to hold off on adding any more livestock until the sump is sorted out and ato and everything

oh i also dose seachem alkalinty 1 cap a week and calcium 1 cap a week as well as 12 drops of marinum all in one a week

i use marinium sea salt too as its cheap and dissovles easy

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its not a chromis but a blue damsel im not sure of the scientific name but its not the common yellow tail blue damsel but yeah a schooling fish by nature i was planning on getting another clown in the future too however i hear it may not work out well introducing another clown. im cautious about adding more damsels now as they can be territorial and i dont want fights to happen at the moment the clown and damsel hang out together heaps its quite funny to watch

i was keen on chromis a while back but have decided to get everything else sorted with this tank and perhaps get a few more frags before adding more fish and also as i dont want to add too many more fish i will have to be careful about what i choose in the future im leaning towards possibly a fire goby and a bangaii

ive kind of been going off this page using stocking suggestions


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the glass shrimp are just the common shrimp you would find in a rockpool down the beach here

heres a pic



what do you mean buy hang on back 600mm ?

like a 2 foot tank with a hang on back filter?

Yes you're right. Not a chromis but a chrysiptera parasema and yes, they can be territorial. Not easy in your tank cause they need a bigger volume.

Thanks for the link, I got the english names now :)

Oh I'm fond of gobbies ! :D

Could you tell me how much they cost in NZ ?

its not a chrysiptera parasema either its very similar looking however the yellow doesnt go from the tail on to the body possibly Chrysiptera cyanea

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  • 1 month later...

some more pictures

whole tank shots



coralline is growing well but unfortunatly so is hair algae this is due to me not having a RODI unit yet and the insane amounts of been topping up with tap water recently (im lucky we have very good tap water here otherwise it would be worse)

hammer coral has recovered well and and has a lot of new growth


kenya tree is doing well also despite being fragged heavily (its still only a frag itself)


the rock the kenya tree is on is growing red macro and some small grape like thing any ideas what it is


fragged green star poylp for a friend as well as kenya tree and red macro

quite suprised how easy it is to do





lateset addition in corals is a green mushroom


i thought a month or so back that i had lost all of my zoos due to a large apistata stinging them but i have almost rid my tank of pest anemones now injecting them with vinegar in a syrine(w/ needle) so these zoos should bounce back nicely now there are two colours here green (top) and orange and green(bottom) all in the same colony


a few other photos

i have also changed my 36w pl bulb from a 10k/actinic mix to a 12k marine blue so im much happier with the colour of the light now too




have added another clownfish ended up having to swap the new one for a smaller one as they were fighting , they are now getting on really well the bigger 1 defending the small one from the blue damsel

today brought some more live rock from jolliolli it had some hariy mushrooms attached they look great opened up and i cleaned a lot of the algae off the glass using a stainless steel scraper that takes single edge razor blades(brand is ceraclean , its for cleaning ceramic hobs and is about $13 at the supermarket works great and razor blades are cheap)

glass shrimps are still alive and well although 1 has migrated to the sump the other is in the over flow which isnt a bad thing as when my pj cardinal gets bigger they wont last long

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Small grape like thing looks to be bubble algae, though I can't see it clearly. I use the glass tubes from broken heaters attached to a air hose, and scrape it off as its sucking, not the best method but with time you can beat it.

there is some good information here

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I like it, but personally I think it needs more live rock. Build a pile of it in the middle of the tank. Then find as many species of corals/anemones that will coexist happily and add those. Then ditch that Polka-dot Cardinalfish and the Blue Damsel and get five of six of those little Yellow-tailed Damsels and a Six-lined Wrasse or a couple of small Gramma sp. That will be epic :bounce: Keep the Clownfish though - they're cute!

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joe the photos are a couple of weeks old i have added another 3.5 kg of live rock but its not really arranged how i want it , im still thinking over how im going to lay it out finally the live rock i have in there is basically piled up with not much space in between i ideally want to make two islands and go quite high with them . as for the stocking i like the pj cardinal however he prevents me from buying a fire shrimp (will get eaten) and the damsel was the first fish i brought (30l nano) hes not actually a lot different to yellow tail damsels just slightly more aggressive and the yellow doesnt extend onto the body. i would like 4 or 5 of them (or yellow tail damsels) to school however i feel the tank will be too small for them(main display , not including sump or overflow is around 125 l.)

so for now will most probably kepp my stocking as it is perhaps get a Nemateleotris decora.

im pretty new to reef keeping but i have plenty of years left to upgrade and keep other fish for now im happy to get what i have working good and learn some skills along the way

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