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my axolotl can't get skinny and is floating-help


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one of my axolotls (12 cm juvinile) always looks fat. I used to feed him/her 1 small defrosted block of brine shrimp twice every 5 days and occassionally a bit of salmon. for the last few weeks he gained a lot of weight and stopped growing as fast so I stopped feeding him for a few days for him to slim down, about 4 days later i got a little improvement and i diddn't want him to starve (somehow) so i gave him (and my new axolotl) a block of brine shrimp and he was fat again the next day. he's still got a good appitite and I've hardly been feeding him (about half as much as my more developed goldie of the same size) but he's not getting skinnier.

today i saw him floating so I lowered the water level to the turtle ramp thing so he wouldn't stress.

the pebbles are about 0.5 cm long at the smallest but when bitten always seems to be spit out.

any suggestions of whats wrong with him and what i should do? :-?

ill post a picture soon as i can

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to add pics here, all you do is copy the code on photo bucket with something like img.

or that link you gave, just highlight and click Img here. Click preview and it should load pic. then post etc hth

axie doesnt look too bad. id get rid of pebbles though, theyre perfect size to cause trouble. Sand is suppose to be ok but i prefer nothing.

do a partial water change if you havent done so in last few days. if you do decide to take pebbles out. just take enough clean water out first and put axies in a bucket etc.

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to add pics here, all you do is copy the code on photo bucket with something like img.

or that link you gave, just highlight and click Img here. Click preview and it should load pic. then post etc hth

axie doesnt look too bad. id get rid of pebbles though, theyre perfect size to cause trouble. Sand is suppose to be ok but i prefer nothing.

do a partial water change if you havent done so in last few days. if you do decide to take pebbles out. just take enough clean water out first and put axies in a bucket etc.

i've tried to add pics but it always says there too big even if i make them tiny

I havent done a water change but removed a bit of water today as said above

i might have to get rid of pebbles but don't really want to becuse i've got a nice rock setup inside. :bounce:

the thing is hes been 'fat' for ages and isn't really getting skinny (photos taken today, he hasn't been feed for about 5 days, ill feed him a little tonight though)

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Um why do you have a turtle ramp? as they don't need it.

Brine shrimp is from salt water and you should feed a fresh water animal freshwater things not salt water animals, good things are:Blood worms,earth,worms,pellets and some axie tucker from the pet store.

If he has intaken pebles you must take them out! also trie tp get some fine river bed sandfrom exo-terra on tm, or use some big rocks a bit bigger than their heads. As with it being full of pebals there is not much you can do but wait. :(

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the floating bit was what concerned me, otherwise it looks ok tbh. atleast 30-40% water change done slowly is what i would do.

they like clean water and cold.

pebbles are a death trap but thats upto you :) .

best food really is insects (crickets, locusts, moths, worms/ etc), tadpoles, fish. diced ox heart is ok, best put on a kebab stick so you can get it infront of them.

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My partner hand feeds his axolotl using small tweezers that way nothing falls in the water to tempt Axe to eat his pebbles. Have you tested PH levels and ammonia. When his axolotl wasnt well at one stage that was the cause. He feeds him ox heart and earth worms every two days. He has a round tummy but is well and healthy. Good luck with your fella.

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i saw him floating so i lowerd the water my tank to platform, has a turtle platform but not a ramp, have not seen him floating much but has been on the platform more than usual. i feed him 5 mins ago and he pretty much attacked the tweesers trying to get the food-good sign

thanks so much for advice I might get some sand for tank and get rid of pebbles

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  • 1 month later...

Whoah, i took your guys advice and bought some silicon sand.

So far i have found 19 stones that were not in the tank after i changed the sand (ie he pooped out 19 stones) by the past few weeks, i was pretty shocked as he is only a 10 cm long juvinile!

thanks for ur help everyone, he has stopped floating and is looking much better :D

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