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Anybody in/near glenfield and able to pick up some fish? I'd be happy to give some of the fish i'm purchasing to the person that picks up :D

I'm in howick/botany and are unable to get out that far but i'd love to buy an auction for some peppered corys.

Was wondering if anybody was able to assist?

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Where exactly in Glenfield Josh as ime it can go all the way to Beachlands and when does the auction close. If its a buy now and I can collect before Friday you are in with a chance as I have to go to Botany on Friday. :D

but glenfield is on the shore.

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yes I did mean Beach

Beachlands = Beach haven maybe?

(I get lost on the shore too :D )

Thats what I meant :oops:

However in this case it goes all the way to the Albany Highway lol so I'm going on a road trip - but in the car, not the scooter as this is too far for it.

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