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hi im getting a turtle next week what do i need to knw ?

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thanks is lighting a must?

Its not about 'looks' its about the turtle needing a reptile light to provide correct UVB/UVA so it can produce Vit D which it needs to absorb calcium and stay healthy. In the wild it would have sunlight to do this. In a tank you are responsible for replicating that to keep the turtle healthy. If the UV bulb doesnt say 'reptile' then you dont have a light thats any use at all. Also you need to remove the perspex cover from the light so it doesnt block the rays and not have glass blocking either. Sunlight penetrates water several cm...a UV bulb hardly any depth through the water at all, so you need the light over the basking area so its directly on turtle when it basks. A heat lamp...ordinary 40-60watt bulb at a 30cm distance from turtle is fine...will warm the area up and encourage turtle out of the water and under the UVB. Check out the care sheets, all the info is there. :)

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I don't mean to sound harsh but if you want to know if turtles need the light, I'd suggest a LOT more research. I mean this is a very long term commitment, and after the large tank, filter, lights, heater, UV tube etc you're looking at a rather substantial financial outlay, not to mention the responsibility that comes along with holding a life in your hands, and being accountable for it.

I can only hope the store person will let you know how much work is actually involved with keeping any turtle, and provide sufficient advice with regards to the equipment you will need.

It is also important to research common ailments and preventative measures, like the need for calcium.

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I don't mean to sound harsh but if you want to know if turtles need the light, I'd suggest a LOT more research. I mean this is a very long term commitment, and after the large tank, filter, lights, heater, UV tube etc you're looking at a rather substantial financial outlay, not to mention the responsibility that comes along with holding a life in your hands, and being accountable for it.


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ok how costly is a setup ive already got the tank ? and a filter (elite stingray) would that be fine ? but how much would the rest cost me thanks?

How big is your tank? What is the basking area like? How big is the turtle you are getting? I know nothing about the stingray filter...except I think its an internal one...and therefore not really much use for a turtle who produces vast amounts of waste. What research have you done on set-up, feeding etc etc? 8)

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the turtle i am wanting to get is tiny just bigger than a 50cent coin the tank i have is only for it while it is young but is 60cm long 45cm high and 45 cm wide. i have bein researching all over google about food nutrition heat etc and bein reading some old pet magazines and also read your caresheet several times the basking area will be about 1/5 of the tank (if that makes sence) and the filter i have is just for a short amount of time anyway thanks

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Please take a note of what Donna is saying. You may not know but she is the person who ends up looking after and spending vast amounts of her own time and money rescuing abandoned, sick and injured turtles through out NZ and nursing them back to health :hail:

In my own experience my nephew purchased a turtle several years ago. It was tiny and he put it in a 3ft tank with a fluval 4 internal filter (both of which are bigger than what you have). Within a few months it was too big for the tank and too fat to be healthy because he fed it more than he should. He gave it back to the pet shop.

I have now seen too many pics of rotting turtle shells, puss etc pouring out of turtles to recommend that anyone purchase a turtle before they spend the money to buy exactly what they are going to need to keep their pet healthy and happy. :D

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Yes, that was me in the pet mag.... I havent seen it yet tho :lol: Cherie and family created the "Turtle Sanctuary" pond under my guidance and now I have a place I can send rehabilitated females to be rehomed...or just stay. Theres 10 there so far and I have 5 more lined up to go out once summer arrives. The pond is 15 mtres long with a basking island in the middle and straight sides with an overhang so turtles cant escape so theres no fence needed. Wonderful place for turtles...but wouldnt be needed if owners committed to caring for the turtles properly for their lifetime. So I'm really keen to see you do a proper set-up and look after your turtle well :D Oh, and dont be fooled into getting more than one...check out some of the threads I've started with injured turtles from their fighting.... :(

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how much for a good filter good heat lamp good uv lamp and heater?

is this a good heat lamp ? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 143221.htm

I use that type of fitting now as the cheaper versions dont last with being turned on for 10-12 hrs straight. Good to go for more expensive, but will last, then keep buying cheap ones and wasting money...well thats what I've found :roll:

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