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Cycle of live"


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Dear Fish lord,

Last nite my silver dollars tank water nitrate when to the roof, killing 8 adult silver dollars..

:cry: Hmmm..I got home they were floating gasping..

There were 7 still remain alive,.

I did a autopsy, all female dollars had a great number of eggs..

Then I start to scale the dollars and fillet them..

After that slice fillet into thin strip..

And place them in a clean plastic bag and ready to use..

xxx :cry:

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this si a weird post.

are you gonna eat teh dead fish?

i have nothing against fish eating - but the pellets you feed your fish will make the meat disgusting. I dont suggest you do that.

besides, what a waste of tiem, you wont get much meat from a silver dollar! you shoudl get into pacus!

they have substatial meat.

but, main thing is,


your fish will nto die wtih even very high nitrate for a day....they also wont gasp for air.

thats ammonia....

you probably had amonia.

so if this post is serious, i guess you have to ask

1)what filter are you using

2) litres of tank - number of fish

3) feeding regime

but in saying that, your post .... sounds like a joke.

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I missed out changing water for 2 week. every things was bad..

I used under ground filter like Phil .C style, :oops: :oops:

I dont intend to eat the fish fillet, i am feeding it to my big cichlid fish..

Just a question? has any ever eat tropical fish before? :oops:

what do they taste like?

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