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AHT or San francisco bay brine shirmp eggs?


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so size of shrimp when hatched.

whcih one is beter?

what brand should i get for goos results

or is it a matter of, just hatch more to get more.

if one brand has less hatch rate, then have more set ups?

to make up for the loss.

and if shrimp is smaller, then feed more shrimp to compensate for smaller shrimp?

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san fran is far better hatch rates than the other

I keep even the unopened tins in the fridge

I use a resealabe plastic bag and put the eggs in it and seal the tin back up

Even my Annulatus fry can eat them from day 1 and those fry can swim through a pin hole without touching the sides

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They are all OK I think, just depends what you want. They can have slightly different hatching requirements so just go by the instructions.They are packed on nitrogen so when opened the oxygen lowers the hatch rate. I open the tin then repack into small sealed bags and refrigerate. I have a bag sealer.

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