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Giant fighters!


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I saw one in there yesterday. Blueish with tiny bits of red. Fins look a bit nipped though, probably why he's still there. I was really impressed with the size though!

Edit: that was at the Roskill HFF though. Not sure what they have at Albany.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yay :bounce: :bounce:

I have fry hatching. After killing off about 4 females and then co habitating with another for several weeks they spawned yesterday and today there is some movement. This is the yellow male by the way.

The red and blue passed away last week. The only spawn I got from him became his dinner instantly.

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good luck with the wee guys, have heard they require a bit more work than the normal sizes with regards to waterchanges and feedings. and im guessing that you crossed the giant with a normal size? if so should give half giants, still big just not as large.

looking forward to the photos in the next few weeks

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  • 1 month later...

well - a month on and I still have about 100. Not a huge difference as yet between the growth rate of these guys and normal fighters although there are more bigger ones in the giants tank.

Have lost a few in the last 4-5 days as they have started coming up for air, mostly the bigger sized ones as well.

Mum and dad spawned again yesterday but this time in the 250 litre planted tank which also houses growing kribs and other fish. There won't be any survive in this batch as the moment dad chases one krib away another comes in from a different direction. I'll put them in another tank in a few weeks and let them spawn again.

The male still won't tolerate any other female!

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