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This might stir things up a bit, but they could be turqs. The parents are definatly cobolt, but the babies are showing stress bars, which the cobolts dont have. It is quite common for ressive genes for the parents to come through in the babies. The babies are to young to show much colour yet so it will be hard to tell if they will have a thick or thin pattern when they get older, but by showing stress bars means that they wont be cobolts.

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No, they could produce a % of cobolts and the rest Turks. Some of our pairs produce 50/50 turks and snakes, even though none of the parents are snakes. After doing alot of research, we found out abit about recessive genes, and the some of the babies taking on the characteristics that can go back to their grand parents.

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So 2 cobalts could produce an entire batch of turqs?

Recessive genes will only show in a minority of the offspring, not a majority of them.

that is true in a strict scientific sense

but i have seen the laws broken in the random expression of genetics

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These to me look like cobalts.Cobalts have 9 stress bars.If you look closely you will see a bar through the eye and one on the tail

The rest will show up when stressed.Juvenile cobalts will show stress bars and will look just like turqs with broken stripes and lines

They will slowly cover in as the fish matures to a full blue colour or very nearly full.

Blue diamond are stress bar less discus or can show one through the tail area,they also have a full eye ring ,red or orange/yellow

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