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Help! I think my fish have Columnaris again.....


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Yesterday I got 10 Red-line Rasboras from Organism, and 11 Black Neon Tetras from Jennifer Hamlin. I know for sure the fish were healthy and good-quality. Last night I acclimatised them and left them for the night. This morning I woke up and the fish were looking good. Mum and Dad said I should stay home though to keep an eye on them. Just as well... A few hours later I noticed 2 or 3 of my Red-line Rasboras have devaloped Columnaris-like symptoms. Their fins are a bit frayed, and their bodies are smudgy-looking. One even has a bit of snowy-like fungus type stuff around it's mouth. I am going to catch all the fish today and give them a bath in white-spot cure and tonic. I'm not adding it to my tank as I don't want to ruin my lovely plants that I spent so much money on. But if anyone knows a better cure (and one that doesn't cost me a fortune), PLEASE HELP! I've had columnaris before but didn't know how to treat it or what it even was, so I lost a whole tank full of fish.

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Well I don't have a quarintine tank (it's got flag cichlids. Come on people, only 5 bucks. I need to get rid of them), and I'm not killing them, as they can be saved if you take quick action and treat promptly. I've only just noticed it. They are no where near as bad as that goldfish. So I'm just drenching them in tonic and white spot cure in a polythene bag floating on the tank. By the way, I'm treating everything in the tank except the Golden Bristlenoses as they are hard to catch and the columnaris doesn't seem to affect them. When I had my huge outbreak they just did normal catfishy things and were ok.

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Gosh, I'm not having much fun catching these fish -

Rasboras: 10 caught (all).

Black Neons: 6 caught (5 left).

Kitty Tetras: 1 caught (4 left).

Betta: Caught.

Bristlenoses: Not caught (not treating them).

The tetras are soooooo hard to catch. I can't coax them into the net (they're clever). But the rasboras were easy. They just swam straight into the net.

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Hi Joe,


sorry I don't have any experience with Columnaris. You could try get some furan 2 but I wouldn't mix it with the other medicines.

Sometimes I reduce the water level in the tank if I need to catch fish... it helps a bit.

Wow, your parents let you stay home from school to look after your fish? I wish I could have stayed home today :D


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Wow, your parents let you stay home from school to look after your fish? I wish I could have stayed home today

Fish are more important than angry teachers and being harrassed by nerds and bullies, so yeah I get to stay home and look after them. They are alright. One of my rassies isn't looking too good. Her fins are quite frayed, and she is all smudgy-looking. I did the thing where I put them in the bag ect. and add the white spot cure and tonic.

Sometimes I reduce the water level in the tank if I need to catch fish... it helps a bit.

My tank's too big for that! It would take me 1/2 an hour to 1 hour to place backwards and forwards with big buckets. I have caught then all now.

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Joe I forgot to remind you that you do not have to fill the spare I just dropped off right to the top. Just enough to cover the filter (and make sure the heaterstat is underwater too) will be plenty for the number of fish you have.

The less water you put in it (and measure it as you pour it in so you know how much is in there) the less meds you need per dose :wink:

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Funny. That's exactly what I was thinking. It's just under half fill now, so I'll put a bit more water in and that should do it. It also means I can do the Flourish in my big tank with the fish in the spare tank.

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