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Quiet Filters


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Hello, I'm looking for a filter for a 100 litre tank in my bedroom. To give you an idea of the bioload, the tank will be stocked with 20~30 rummy nose tetras, with maybe 2 or 3 amazon swords. Because of location if the tank, the filter really needs to be as quiet as possible.

I don't mind too much the price, but I want something that is of decent quality and very quiet. Also don't mind whether internal/external.

So, what are your recommendations? :)

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Hello, I'm looking for a filter for a 100 litre tank in my bedroom. To give you an idea of the bioload, the tank will be stocked with 20~30 rummy nose tetras, with maybe 2 or 3 amazon swords. Because of location if the tank, the filter really needs to be as quiet as possible.

I don't mind too much the price, but I want something that is of decent quality and very quiet. Also don't mind whether internal/external.

So, what are your recommendations? :)

im running a fluval 204 in my 128 litre - quiet as - but probably overkill :)

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I have the 819 which is the largest in the range I think. You would not need one that big. I run mine on a 280L tank

I don't know why people think the sound of water is soothing (unless it is rain on the roof), it just makes me want to go to the loo! :roll:

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I have only had experience with small internals but I would imagine they would be quieter than an external, for those with sensitive ears, as long as they were sited low enough in the tank to avoid splashing noise.

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the 05'range of fluvals are pretty quiet. I have 2 405's running in my bedroom and they are quiet as.

I also have an eheim pro II 2028 running on the same tank and that is just as quiet. perhaps marginally quieter at most.

With the 3 filters less than 5feet away from the bed I am yet to complain about the 'noise' cause there is none.

I can also comment on the following -I have trialled and tested every one of these.

Externals -

Eheim 2213, 2215, 2217 - slightly more noisy, but still quieter than some others on the market. Often sound problems are associated with incorrectly placed ceramic shafts and un-lubricated O rings.

The Eheim pro III range is near silent but comes with a very heavy price tag.

Fluval - 105, 205, 305, 405 - very quiet. I think there is no sound difference between a 205 and a 405.

FX5 - quiet, relative to the size of the filter and its capacity. would do better in a cabinet if it was in your bedroom.

If I was in your situation and had no intention of upgrading the tank in the foreseeable future, I'd go either for the Eheim 2213 or the Fluval 205. I'd be partial to the fluval in this case because of its ease of cleaning and priming compared to the eheim classics. If you have troubles starting and/or priming the Fluval 05' series - you're doing it wrong.

Internals -

Eheim internal range - 2008 - 2012 - dead silent, you need to press your ear against the glass to hear it.

Eheim Ecco range - slightly more noisy than your fluval + range and the classic eheim internal range. still very quiet.

Fluval+ range (1 to 4+) - quiet, marginally more noise compared to the eheim. nothing to complain about.

Fluval U series (all sizes U1 - U4) - As quiet as it gets. Price is astronomical and is often cheaper to get an external in place of the U3 / U4.

HOB Filters -

Aquaclear range - Mixed reviews. Often rattle because of the plastic lid, but when removed is dead quiet. I have a number of them that are dead quiet, and 1 that rattles slightly no matter what I do to it. flow can be adjusted and often this reduces the sound.


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Fluval 105, eheim 2213.

Aquaclears sound quiet in a normal room, but in a bedroom at night you can hear them rattling away.

for an internal id recommend one of the eheim pickups. probably a 2010 model. just dont use the venturi if you want it to be quiet.

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The Eheim Pickup range internal filters are dead quiet and are star performers. I have several tanks running these in different sizes and there is virtually no sound at all. However, I have had many of the canisters mentioned above and truthfully most of them are no louder than a gentle hum. The worst noise comes from air in the filter or excess surface agitation and both of these situations can be avoided with most filters.

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Thanks everyone, especially phoenix44, for your replies!! :bow:

So I think I've narrowed my options down to 4:

1) Fluval 205 ($222.30)

2) Eheim 2213 ($171.10)

3) Eheim 2010 ($?)

4) Fluval U3 ($?)

I have a few associated questions: Does anybody know the prices, even just ballpark figures, of the Eheim 2010 and Fluval U3? Also, it appears that the Eheim 2010 comes only with a sponge; has anybody tried replacing this with other media (e.g. ceramic rings) to improve performance?

On a side note, anyone tried the Aqua One internal/external filters? Anything worthy of commenting on?

Thanks! :)

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