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discus specialist guy


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won't work henward. too much $$$, too little people.

plus there are literally a handful of you with the sort of tanks that are needed to keep them well.

The largest freshwater stingray caught in thailand was 485 kg :o

Largest one in captivity there is about 150 kg

Thats unreal!

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cost excludes time to do research etc,

if you got a consultancy company to do it would costs over $10k, But done for the love of it, labour would be free.

Only issues is that no many hobbyist have the skills to do the research or put a document together.

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Getting it on the list is the first of many problems, as recent events show selling the fish can also prove to be a problem.

why would you waste your time with only rare fish.

When adding fish you would be get the ones that are generally available.

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why would you waste your time with only rare fish.

When adding fish you would be get the ones that are generally available.

That there is the big problem with the system. What is generally available now was rare 5 years ago. FW rays, armartus, Lates Spp (perches), not to mention countless South/Central american cichlids (either newly described, reclassified or as-yet undescribed) have all gone from being rarities to fairly commonly available from specialist importers in the US in recent times. How am I supposed to provide "peer reviewed scientific papers" for every single variety of the Geophagus "surinamensis" complex when most of them are still waiting to be officially described? In essence they are pretty much the same fish, different species of the same group from a different river that are identical to anyone not clued up in the finer points of identifying them isn't going to pose any more/less threat, yet it is still required to be treated as if it comes from the other side of the world.

Having an "allowed list" is really just a cop out, its much easier that trying to identify species that could pose a problem if released here. Its sad, but it is so unimportant in the greater scheme of things that it will never be changed.

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Having an "allowed list" is really just a cop out, its much easier that trying to identify species that could pose a problem if released here. Its sad, but it is so unimportant in the greater scheme of things that it will never be changed.

We can only work with the regulation to get livestock approved. last time i checked my overseas suppliers have many fish that we don't get which could be added to the allowable list.

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