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which pleco with africans?


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well its a bit of a weird mix in the tank at the mo, i have trialled a few mixes and this one seems to work ok for some reason

4 electric yellows

6 silver dollars

4 tiger barbs

2 kribensis

1 lumphead

6 jewels

2 blue acara

1 livingstonii

random mix aye!

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Very interesting mix, your livingstonii will be very happy and well fed for a while when he gets bigger :)

I would say if nothing is eating the tiger barbs and kribs then some bristlenoses would be fine. I would err on the side of caution though and introduce them just before lights out so they have a chance to settle and find a hidey hole before the fish get too nosy..

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well its a bit of a weird mix in the tank at the mo, i have trialled a few mixes and this one seems to work ok for some reason

4 electric yellows

6 silver dollars

4 tiger barbs

2 kribensis

1 lumphead

6 jewels

2 blue acara

1 livingstonii

random mix aye!

There's nothing overly aggresive on that list... I've never kept a livingstonii but I'd imagine that would be the meanest dog on that block. I wouldn't think a BN would be a problem.

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As long as the livingstoni isn't too big,( doesn't sound like it is with tose tankmates) then 3-4cm BN's will be OK.

GBA's will also do Ok and give you a bit more colour.

I've had panaques, cochliodons, BN's, and hemiancistrus sp. happy as in with Africans.

Mbuna's cant be a bit more nippy as they are in more direct competition for the same space.

You might find the lumphead will chase them away from his/her hole but no real issues.

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Acara what else do you have with your shellies?

Sorry to hijack thread

Toddy I have a couple of big BN males you can have for your tank if you like

I gave away the multies to use the tank for a group of Corydoras oiapoquensis,but have set up several more,and getting a couple of different shellies.I only had the multies and 1 L137 in the tank,a Rekord 60 Juwel.I am getting more Sulawesi snails to go in with the new tanks.I was going to try throwing in a few cherry shrimp,but the fish would make short work of them,may try in them in the fry tank.

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