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Popped into HFF albany today, they have a group of about 10 or so ZEBRA PLECOS Sold to approved homes only. Posted on here if anyone is interested, no price on tank, asked about it, you have to make a serious inquiry - ideally more than one so we can breed these guys - about 3-4cm right now so not mature. Also have some cool pitbull plecos too.

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Do these fish come with any form of paper work to prove what they really are?

Is that a serious question? If you really want to know pm HFF direct.

Sometimes 'pedigrees' are not worth the paper they are written on. When things go back several generations how does one know that 'mongrel' has not sneaked in somewhere along the line (and I'm not just talking fish), because you can be guaranteed that no one is going to be telling if ultimately the price will be affected.

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They look primo as, too rich for me though, hopefully some pleco fanatic picks these up and breeds them. So much moaning about them not being here, now that they are some had better step up :lol: With the sufficient cash :o

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Do these fish come with any form of paper work to prove what they really are?

There's not much else they could be really.

Beautiful little fish, fingers crossed on big wednesday, would make an excellent addition to my South American tank! Might just have to settle for a couple more L204 though...

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What is "approved" ????? Do they mean to those likely to breed them or able to buy them in packs of 6????

It makes sense to buy a couple and pool them with other owners to get a breeding group. At least that would remove the need to buy them by the dozen to get males/females.

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What is "approved" ????? Do they mean to those likely to breed them or able to buy them in packs of 6????

It makes sense to buy a couple and pool them with other owners to get a breeding group. At least that would remove the need to buy them by the dozen to get males/females.

I guess they mean they will be asking appropriate questions if you asked them to bag you up a couple, to at least see that you know how to keep them, and have the right tankmates.

I'd say that 50% of the fish stock they hold are more sensitive fish and more prone to die from inadequate conditions than Zebs, so at the end of the day if a punter has the inclination to buy one I can't see much point in refusing them because of a 'perceived' ability to care for them. If that were the case fish like Discus or blue rams would never be sold .

As for group idea. it wouldn't work.

A breeding program would be best if they were grown out together and let a heirarchy form in the colony.

Popping a bunch a together as sexually mature adults is fraught with disaster.

I think I'll hang out for some of davids L204 babies.

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If that were the case fish like Discus or blue rams would never be sold.

Don't forget what is probably the second most improperly kept fish in the hobby [behind goldfish]; CLOWN LOACHES!!

If I get a few more L204, strike it lucky and get a male and female, and they successfully breed and raise fry in the 1400L community tank, then you're welcome to have a go at trying to catch them (without destroying the tank!).

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If I get a few more L204, strike it lucky and get a male and female, and they successfully breed and raise fry in the 1400L community tank, then you're welcome to have a go at trying to catch them (without destroying the tank!).

I'd be keen on some of your L204 babies if you strike it lucky..... :D

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