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Help!! I Think my plants are dying?!!


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Firstly in my main tank, this is my communal tank, hence the fishies getting in the way of the photos :P , anyway when i got the plants i cant recall having the tops of them going brown? They certainly are now.... any ideas? is there something i should be adding to the water? Ferts? I used to use LeafZone but I ran out over the weekend... any ideas?




And now, thats right it doesnt get better, though hopefully after some feedback it just might :)

This is my second tank, soon to be set up for breeding, at the moment its just growing, or killing, my plants.



Anything simple that im doing wrong?

Just had a thought, how do i do a hardness test? The pH is perfect in both tanks, about as 7.0 as possible... :)

thanks! :bounce: :bounce:

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I see. could be immersed --> submersed conversion.

The round leaved one doesn't really look aquatic. immersed ones usually seem less green and look stronger.

If those white bits on the round leafed plants were on it when u bought it, then it was grown immersed.

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Hmmm, they all came from the petstore, they all came outta their tanks. So dunno... anyone know what kinda ferts i should try?

As for the white bits, i dont think they were there when i got them, just seem to be dying over the last few days..

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Ask in a petshop. Or wait for some more experienced people to log on and post. Im not expert.

I had kind of the same problem, i bought some sword plants, which started to die, i bought some ferts, and they were fine.

You could always buy some JBL balls to stick into ur gravel. Its like $15 for 7 which will last a year or something

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nutrient rich clay balls. They slowly dissolve and release nutrients for the plants roots to absorb. Its an easy and much cheaper alternative to these $100 substrates you can buy.

Not as good of course because its much more localized, but still work well.

These should really provide ur plants with enough nutrients seeing as you dont have very many.

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nutrient rich clay balls. They slowly dissolve and release nutrients for the plants roots to absorb. Its an easy and much cheaper alternative to these $100 substrates you can buy.

Not as good of course because its much more localized, but still work well.

These should really provide ur plants with enough nutrients seeing as you dont have very many.

Are these avail from your average pet store?

What type of lights are you using?

(For the record, I don't know anything about plant keeping, my plants doing well is just luck, but that info might help the gurus advise you)

Lol, waiting for payday so i can get some lights for the second tank, its sitting in alot of sunlight though so i would have thought it would be getting enough UV, as for the communal tank with the fish in the photos, its got the stock lights off a AR620T light, i think theres 4 bulbs, 2 UV and 2 normal.

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Your first plant looks like Hygrophilla corymbosa salicifolia which is usually sold as angustifolia and looks healthy enough to me. The second plant I am not sure about but is probably not a true aquatic and has given up on being drowned. They are both converting from emersed to submersed growth and the second one has gone to plant heaven and should be given a respectful burial on the compost heat or all the nutrient from it rotting could cause an algae bloom.

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