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Amphilophus labiatus x Red Parrot


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Warning: If you are one of those purists that hate hybridization then read no further :lol:

My Amphilophus labiatus male and my Red Parrot female have spawned today in my 8 footer.

I am not sure if the eggs will be fertile but I have removed them and plan to attempt to grow on any surviving fry just out of interest.

A pic of dad when he was younger


And mum when she was young


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From what I understand, many parrot fish are infertile but some can breed. Ive read that spawnings are more likely to succeed with a non-hybrid parent... and as your labiatus is thought to be one of the fish the hybrid parrot was created from id imagine you'd have some chance of babies developing. Let us know what happens!

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Yeah I thought parrots were part red devil anyway so wouldn't expect the resulting fry to be anything out of the ordinary probably just as Phoenix has said parrots tending towards a red devil, you may even get some which resemble red devils it will be interesting to see. Are the eggs darkening up yet?

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hopefully dads shape and mums colour :wink:

I had a 'blood red parrot' when I lived in Canada. The only thing is it didnt really have the real parrot beak shaped head... I think he was just a red devil, or at least was very much more that than whatever else it was bred from. It had an amazing pinky orange colour, not yellow like pictured here.

It was the coolest fish I have ever owned. It attacked my hand, the scrubbing brush, moved bits of wood around like a dog, spat gravel against the side of the tank to get my attention...

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