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I think Ira was just concerned because a number of people hunt out pacus with no idea what they will grow into, or more importantly no concern. I recently saw an auction on trademe that had 4 in a 250L tank and apparently it was jackpot if you won it, more like a ticking time bomb.

I think pacus are relatively easy to get just make sure you can house them properly and ask around your petshops they must be on some suppliers list, or if you are keen and can house them then try and find some (like these poor ones on trademe) you can save and give a good home before they end up breaking their tank or thrown on someones compost heap.

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They have, but then they end up looking to rehome them because they got too big.

There are some in the National Aquarium acquired under these circumstances, and I bet Livingart gets offered the odd one as well?

We were looking at some of the fish in the Aquarium the other day, and it is a shame that some of these are readily available in the fish shops and some potential buyers have no idea how big they can get - such as spanner barbs and tinfoils - they just look like a cute little fish at the time

And to think that 'hey I want one 'cos it looks neat and I will just sell it when it gets too big' just opens another can of worms...

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i used to have a pacu.

i tried to regulate its feeding to stop the growth, this is in my younger more naive days.

but it didnt.

instad it ate 2x 1foot plecos.

well not the entire thing, it actually ate the head only, weird. its mouth was bleeding, cut up..... but healed with in days.

then it chewed my heater, i found out cos i put my hand in and kinda gave ma s hock.

then it tries to bite me when i clean the gravel.

i fed it a mouse - adult mouse, suffice to say, it ALMOST disturbed me.....

pacus are a menace for most tanks, because they get absolutely huge and they DO NOT STOP EATING.

litereally i could feed mine 1cup of pellets, and it would eat all of it.

keep in mind, mine was 60cm, my tank was 55cm, and had to do 3 point turns to turn around.

i gave it a way to a guy wtih a massive tank, he does landscape and aquascaping.

i think mostly black in nz. not many red bellies, might come in by mistake, but black is the main one we get.

if you are getting one, please have a big tank.

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if you are getting one, please have a big tank.

Or be prepared to line your basement with pond liner and make an indoor pond.

Like the guys say, they are available in NZ, I have seen them, know someone that has (had?) a couple.

But their adult size is almost a metre, 20kgs...

Not saying you cant keep them, but it's above and beyond the normal realms of fish keeping, and into the twilight zone of Monster Fish.


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