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Another... DIY sump


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Ive done plenty of research on sumps etc and have come up with this drawing of what i want to do with the sump for my 900ltr tank

So im after any constructive criticism on the design and anything i could do better. I will also be adding pics of my progress on the sump as i go.

Im not wanting a wet/dry tower in it as i need it to sit high enough up under the tank stand so i can add overflows to the sump to run further small fry tanks from it.


first view is a plan view, second is an elevation.


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If you can, I'd eliminate that heater section and have it in either the pump area in the fry area. Assuming everything is to proper scale it looks like it should fit at an angle.:) There's just not really any good reason to have the heater seperated.

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The reason for the heater being separate is because it will be a jager 300W and im not sure if it will fit in the main area yet. i still need to buy one and test it out. If there was no separate area for the heater, the empty space would be 300wide x 400long.

Filter bags aren't proper filter bags and aren't as fine as normal ones. and they will be checked weekly for blocking & maintenance etc.

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The bio media volume in that drawing is only 12ltrs. so this is why I put the heater separately as i thought i may be needing to add more sections for more media.

The fry grow out space is not necessary so i can add more media along the entire sump.

The whole sump is 900mm long, 300mm wide & 385mm high

Filter bag section,100mm wide

each bio filter section, 100mm wide

heater section, 620mm long (jager heater is 500mm)

return pump section, 180mm wide

so leaves me with 520mm of space

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How wide are the gaps between your media baffles?

I'd also be looking at putting the heater in the fry section. I've had and helped with a few sumps now, (althought mostly salt water) and found the simpler you can made it the better. My current sump has no baffles at all, just a sliding divider that can be pulled out, all the gear sits on one side refugium on the other.

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They are 100mm apart. i was thinking of increasing the bio filtration and putting baffles along the entire length of it and no fry area. And also thinking about just putting the heater in the tank.

Personally I'd make they at least big enough to have your fist in sideways (ie have a good hold on something and be able to turn your hand round) if you have small hands 100mm might be enough.

I wouldn't focus too much on the heater, there are plenty of ways work round heaters, eg getting two 150w instead of the single 300w will save you length plus give you redundancy and a safety net if one jams on.

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a second in the area by the return pump

If you do this, I suggest you put the heater as low as possible and it must be below the lowest amount of water your return pump can pump. If the drain from your display gets blocked you will have a flood and your sump water level will drop until the return pump runs out of water. This would suck, but it will suck more if you also burn out your heaters and all the collateral damage that might cause like breaking the glass bottom of your sump.

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If you do this, I suggest you put the heater as low as possible and it must be below the lowest amount of water your return pump can pump. If the drain from your display gets blocked you will have a flood and your sump water level will drop until the return pump runs out of water. This would suck, but it will suck more if you also burn out your heaters and all the collateral damage that might cause like breaking the glass bottom of your sump.

I have thought about that and not going to put the heater in the pump area for that reason.


Which of these should i use for 900ltrs?

Would 2x150W be enough

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