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Moved the tropical marine into a new home


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the 1300 litre local marine sprung a leak, it is about 14 yrs old

and the base on one end hadn't been siliconed properly

so i stripped it down, cleaned and resiliconed it

also took the oppurtunity to drill it so i could attach a sump to it

i have used a syphon overflow for the last 2 yrs but it can trap air and disturb the flow

set it back up and moved the tropical marine in there so i could drill that tank as well

a short vid of it set up

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tried mixing the ocellaris and maroons in the other tank it ended in a clown fight

seems to be working so far with the bigger footprint

2 sumps connected in line 1.8m, caulerpa and deep sand bed

just a small skimmer at the moment need to plumb the big one in

ruunning Bare Bottom now as substrate was trapping too much muck

was ok when wrasses were in there stirring it up but they started harassing cleaner shrimp

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