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Apistogramma Club?


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I am putting this out there to see what interest there would be in setting up a club for Apistogrammas like the killi club

So we can keep track on whos got what and we can make sure we keep these great little cichlids going and not have them lost to the hobby like some of already have

Also with all the new species coming into the country we don't want to lose track of them because we might not get another chance at them

So please let us know your thoughts and if theirs enough support i will see how to go about starting one up

Also anyone who is willing to help i would appreciate it



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I have been thinking about the same thing maybe a cichlid based club.. But I do think that the number of people who would join and contribute would be so low it would all fuzzle out before long and noone would be prepared to put in the work. Plus alot of the people who have most the fish keep their cards very close to their chests so probably won't contribute.

That is just my feelings, if you give it a go I will help out and join to see what happens though..

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I have similar thoughts to Ryan, and like Ryan, I would join.

Funny actually, I thought Id lost a Eunotus Female today and was wondering where I could find another one. LOL

She was hiding from me. But a network of Apisto keepers would be handy.

I do agree with apistos being too specific. Just my thoughts

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Apisto club sounds good, but I don't really think there's enough of us out there, but then again I reckon just a cichlid club would be too broad as there is such a diverse range that people get into (discus, africans - and all the various types of africans that people specialise in).

So basically I'm in agreement with Ryan and Simon, but I too would definitely join the apisto club if it came about, and I do hope to get some of these new apisto's if they do actually come into the country, and it would be great to know where the rest of them are going too.

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Why not just a dwarf cichlid club? Then you have apistos, rams and all the rest.

I feel its best chance of success would be a club for all cichlids as most people who keep dwarfs have like 1 pair or a nice male because they are pretty in community tanks.. These people would have no interest in joining a club for a couple of pretty fish in their tank. Again just my opinion.

Maybe an email list or website or something?

Or we could all just join the FNZAS :) lol

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As I said by PM I would be keen but a apisto club is probably too limited and we should possibly look at South American Cichlids perhaps. Same thoughts as Simon by the looks of it.

We have had this come up before but no real takers for anyone to do the work. The secret of the success of the Killie Club was that a large number of genuinely great fish breeders were involved (Probably still are) and they were able to courier eggs from member to member for very minimal cost and effort to ensure a species wasn’t lost. No other fish can be treated like that and especially with our SADC, which are one of the toughest fish I have ever kept, we have to spawn, hatch and raise each species before we can distribute and often that can be 6 - 12 months per spawn with daily attention and then after all that effort we get maybe 20 or less surviving fry and have often lost one of both of the original parents.

With that said the idea is still a good one Rob and thanks for bringing it up again, I am still very keen on an email list or a club and would be happy to help run or manage some of it to help out. We really need to raise awareness of these fantastic little fish to get more people interested so we get more demand so importers being them in more often.

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Why limit to just south american? What about central american? African? Asian? Madagascan (I WISH!!)? Many people keep, breed and have an interest in all of them. I don't keep any, but I sure enjoy seeing tanks/fish like the ones Firenzenz posted, and I think its every bit as important to ensure the continued breeding of quality fish, regardless of their origins.

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As i suggested to Rob,

the first step might be asking Zev and or Caryl to ask if we can have a page on this site.

that would mean that any breedings/speices lists etc could be sticked to the top of the page and we could have an appisto chat in our own space.

whilst this might seem a lot of work it would be the first step to gauging interest and establishing common ground whilst under the auspices of FNZAS.


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dwarf cichlid (S.American) one would be nice, and viewable by members of that " club" only.

Then one can be done for africans too, also only viewable by members of that group. That way the forum does not get too big and complicated for everyone else, and no one can complain.

We would still use the main forum for all issues, its just tracking the lines that could be done through the new sections.

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dwarf cichlid (S.American) one would be nice, and viewable by members of that " club" only.

Then one can be done for africans too, also only viewable by members of that group. That way the forum does not get too big and complicated for everyone else, and no one can complain.

We would still use the main forum for all issues, its just tracking the lines that could be done through the new sections.

Best idea i've heard so far

Thanks phoenix44

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