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no more fish tanks :(


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ive been told by the wife im not allowed any more fish tanks - SOOOOO im getting a pond :) - im thinking its going to be about 400-500 mm deep with turtles ? and goldfish....

im new to turtles - so are there any that can be kept in coldwater without being cruel ? our local garden centre has about 10 in a pond but i dont know if they heat the pond or not.



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I don't think you can keep goldfish in the same pond as turtles as I believe they get eaten.

Don't know anything about turtles though but believe they need warmth.

maybe thats just small goldfish ? as the local garden centre has about 8 or 9 goldfish that are between 10 to 15 cm long with about 10 turtles - i guess i dont see how many are eaten etc so you could be right

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turtles can live wild over here in the Wairarapa and we get massive frosts. Apparently red ear sliders live wild up the Waiohine Gorge area and someone told me they had seen others like snake necks or something as well.

Turtles will eat small fish ie goldfish I've seen it

Ponds are cool but be aware of neighbours cats who like to fish and depending on the size of the pond you could have probs with kingfishers.

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Ponds are cool but be aware of neighbours cats who like to fish and depending on the size of the pond you could have probs with kingfishers.

Lots of rocks for the fish help! We did ours like this:


And no problems so far.

Apart from when I discovered that frogs like relocating themselves when it rains :roll:

Well they were cute for the first 3 weeks of sunshine.. sitting on the lilly pads and heating themselves up on the rocks...

eating paper wasps who land for a drink etc.

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those rocks wouldnt stop my cats! They just sit and wait, the fish swims past and splash crunch the fish is gone and the cat is smiling :roll: :lol:

Nothing a water pistol couldn't fix.

Train your cats, my two boys know what are out of bounds.

Fish, Chickens, Cousin's mice when they come to stay, kitchen bench etc :bounce:

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