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Big tank, Small fish?


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Ok, so this is looking to the future a bit, but dreams are free, right?

One day, we are hoping to live in a bigger house, and get a much bigger tank (2ish metres long). At this stage (and this could change...), I quite like the thought of having a big tank with small fish (cories, tetras etc). I love the idea of having big schools of a few different fish, in a large planted tank.

I'm sure there are tanks out there like this, but I'd love to see some photos to give me a better idea of what is possible. However, all the sites I've managed to find show little fish in little tanks and big fish in big tanks.

Can anyone direct me to some images of really fantastic tanks so I can carry on dreaming? :lol:

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I don't think I still have pic but will look when I get home from work. I took some of Warren Stilwell's big tank when it had several 100 neons in it. I love the look of a big tank with large shoals of a few species. Their colour is superior and they shoal like they should. Several 100 harlequins swimming together look spectacular!

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Small fish in a big tank help hugely to change the sense of scale. Unlike fish that are just the right size for the tank, they actually make the tank look somewhat bigger than it is.

Can anyone direct me to some images of really fantastic tanks so I can carry on dreaming? :lol:

http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... w-showcase

Choose image size 640x480 and browse the index of entries of whichever tank size you choose.

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Thanks for the replies, and thanks for the link, SamH. I have just looked at the extra large tanks - exactly the sort of thing I was after! :bounce:

Several 100 harlequins swimming together look spectacular!

Yes, we have seven harlequins and they are fantastic fish with great colours, so I agree with you that a large school would be amazing! We have also quite recently added three neon dwarf rainbows, and i would LOVE to see a huge school of those - in my opinion they give neons and cardinals a run for their money!

its prob the best too . but i dislike how most of the tanks follow the same ol format.

Yes, there seem to be definite styles of tanks, but it helps show what can be done. I wouldn't want most of those tanks, but there are some great ideas, and it's good to see photos with large schools of fish.

I have been wondering how well fish school once they know there are no threats in a tank? Is it terrible of me to even contemplate adding a couple of slightly more aggressive fish to keep the others on their toes? :o:wink:

By the way, excuse my ignorance, but should I say a school of fish or a shoal of fish? Is there a difference?

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I thought a shoal had a form of hierarchy and a school had none :-? I don't know where I got that from... maybe I just made it up for myself :lol: .

As far as continuing to school once the fish feel safe goes... I have 10 neons in my 450 tank with not much else at the moment and they usually hang around each other. Occasionally they are all spread out, in contrast they also sometimes form a tight school, which looks great. I'll need to add more neons for more effect once I get the cash to do so!

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I have been wondering how well fish school once they know there are no threats in a tank?

I chucked about 30 lemon tetras and a few other random tetras in a 5' tank to help it cycle, it was empty aside from a couple of pieces of wood and within minutes the different species had formed schools and were swimming around together. From the videos I've seen on youtube they don't always hand around in tight schools, so don't expect it to always happen in the aquarium, but in a large tank with a big group of one species you'll certainly see more natural behaviour.

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