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Calculator to work out the volume of your tank


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Ira and Mark not many of us are good at maths, I for one dropped that subject first when I was allowed to choose my subjects, I just thought it would help people like me out, seriously Mods if this is gonna cause so much negativity just delete this thread please

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I like to see different links to different sites like this. I too can't do maths so need all the help I can get! Also, what makes perfect sense on one site to someone may not be so for another but they understand a different site layout.

If you are able to work it out yourself then fine but for the rest of us, thanks for the link. :hail:

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I apologise if my post came across as negative :oops: it was meant to be light hearted.

I use volume formulas for my work so it seems like second nature to me but I do remember when it wasn't :)

I don't use volumes at my work, but I guess there are advantages to paying attention in school when you're 12 and they're going over basic geometry.:)

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