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I'm Ras,

I am newish to fish keeping, having been doing it only 6 months now (not counting the goldfish tank I had as a kid), but have learned alot from forums and books.

I currently have a planted 63 litre community tank stocked with 6 tetra and 2 GBA's, with a pair of A. cacatuoides due in around about a week. Running with a standard Juwel 15w T8 light and internal filter and a JAGER heater.

Oh, I also have a good ole AR-380 as a Quarantine/Hospital tank.

My wish is to get a BIGGER set up with some Africans when I have more money and house.

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Welcome to th forums Ras. :bounce:

Fish keeping is very rewarding what ever you deciede. Have a good look around before you make up your mind. as many options are out there. If you decied on a fish look it up on internet before you buy to make sure the fish you want to purchase will fit into your new set up. ie- temperment, water conditions, etc.

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Hiya Ras, check out the MAC trip to ChCh thread under the FNZAS club section. Our club in Marlborough is heading to ChCh tomorrow to do a crawl around the shops, and a private home tank or three. Perhaps you would like to meet up with us at some point and join in. There is also going to be a BBQ at DonnaM's place (she has mowed the lawn especially) so you would also get to meet some fellow local fishkeepers :wink:

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