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Discus and Bristlenoses pleco's


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Hi all

I have several bristlenose babies and one of my husband's friends from work runs a discus tank and said he would like two of the babies. I am sure I have read somewhere that they suck the discus good slime off, is that a myth or true. Should I give this guy babies or rater explain to him that it could be harmfull to his discus?

Thanks in advance for any advice :wink:

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I wonder if I could just add a question here or whether its best to start a new thread. I would just like to know if full grown discus would attempt to eat 2cm big bristlenose babies or whether I should wait till they are a bit bigger. I have allready housed 5 babies at this size to two different homes and they are thriving over there :wink: But with that said I must add that they are with smaller school fish like neons and danio's. Could you guys please advice me on the size they should be before I let the discus owner have them :P

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I have discus (12cm+) in with bn of about 2cm and they are fine but it really depends if there are any hiding places and how many, if the discus get nosey. Its more a case of 'what are these, are they food, I'll have a nibble and pick at them and see', imo, than 'yummy, food for my tummy'.

I have found from experience that even young fighter fry will nibble on the 1cm bn and pick at them until they kill them! Its a case of it moves, maybe its food as they certainly don't eat them.

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