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Bristlenose Babies


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In September last year I bought myself four little bristlenoses. They were about three to four cm at the time. They grew up beautifully with my one male being almost ten cm now. But my smallest male he is about 8cm picked a female she is also small she is about six cm and they spawned lots of little babies. I can't really count them, they are all hiding under their driftwood, but there are many. My one platty female seems to be poking around the log to much for the other bristlenoses to handle, even the male that is not the parent swims over to chase her away as well as the mom and other female. Will she eat them, should I remove her or just let it be. I am not one who wants to make money out of my fish, they are purely for my enjoyment, I love looking at them and caring for them. How would you advice me going about finding them homes and how often are they going to spawn? . I am currently feeding a fresh zuchini everyday as well as hikari algae wafers. Zuchini used to only be a treat ever third or second day, but now that I am putting it everyday my tank also seems to not be cloudy but have lots of little white dust size pieces floating about, is that ok? Sorry about this essay of questions, but like I said these are my first little ones and I have no idea what to do

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Welcome to the forums 8)

I have around 50 young BNs (Bristle Noses) around 20mm long right now. When I first noticed eggs I removed all the fish in the tank except the father, mother and another young BN. Feeding zucchini, courgette and/or cucumber is good, as are algae wafers.

If I was in your situation, I'd remove the platy, feed daily and do partial water chnages daily. I've found that feeding rotten cucumber or leaving it in too long tends to make the water cloudy but it's not harmful. Try and feed just enough that they can all consume in 12-24hrs max.

Good luck!

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grats with breeding them :bounce:, How big are they approx? anything under 1cm the platy might be able to eat otherwise you can leave her in there

Food wise you can add lots of different veges into their diet, carrots, cauliflower stalks, cucumber, ect but its best to remove after 24-48 hours to stop it from clouding the water, they poop a bit as well :lol: just keep up the Water changes and you will be sweet

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they poop a bit as well :lol: just keep up the Water changes and you will be sweet

Bit of an understatement! A few hours after a water change in the bare bottom tank and it was already filled with fish waste :o:x If only someone would buy them! :roll:

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They breed like rabbits and will probably breed again maybe 2-3 weeks later. The only way to stop them is to separate them, so mine now live apart.
really?? ive got 5 gba in one tank and a pair of bristlenose in another tank and theres nothing yet!!! all my other fish are popping left right and center but i really want the gba to spawn!!!
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Thanks for all the information everyone. I will most probably have a look at how quick they spawn again, if they spawn to quick I will have to find homes for the two females and only keep my two males then. I might keep some babies just to see them grow and once sex is established find them homes too. If the breed like rabbits I am going to be unable to find them homes everytime, I am battling to find these little ones homes now. I will see how it goes :wink:

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BNs either breed or they don't. Does not seem to have anything to do with what we do to encourage them :-?

I had mine for about 5 years before they suddenly kept producing spawn after spawn. They did this for a few months then stopped for another few years. They have started again recently but I have no idea whether the parents are the originals, or some of the previous fry. I just leave them to go as they want in the tank. I definitely have at least 10 adults (that is as many as I can count in one view as the tank is heavily planted) but I know there are more, just can't get them to line up in the front - plus fry of varying sizes.

I know there were 16 adults (and no fry) about a year ago when we cleaned out the tank to get the plants under control because we counted them as they were caught :roll:

They are not that prolific in a community tank as only a few survive to adulthood.

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I know there were 16 adults (and no fry) about a year ago when we cleaned out the tank to get the plants under control because we counted them as they were caught :roll:

Did you tag them with a tracking device too? :lol: Sounds like a jungle of a tank you've got there Caryl

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omg omg omg theres me saying that my bn wherent breeding,ive got little bn in my tank :) i got a anchor for my tank a couple off weeks ago and my male kept going waaaaay up inside it to hide,was getting a bit worried he had got stuck and picked it up to check on him and inside are heaps of bubbas!!!!! so exited!!!!!

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omg omg omg theres me saying that my bn wherent breeding,ive got little bn in my tank :) i got a anchor for my tank a couple off weeks ago and my male kept going waaaaay up inside it to hide,was getting a bit worried he had got stuck and picked it up to check on him and inside are heaps of bubbas!!!!! so exited!!!!!

Awww Congrats !!!! I know your excitement, just wait until you see the first brave little one come out of hiding, its even more excitable than actualy finding them :bounce:

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aww thanks Gill :wink: I am having a teeny problem now, my platties leave all the babies during the day but at night if I do not turn the light off early enough they start hunting and :-? eating the babies :o There is still many so its not a Huge problem, I was just wondering for advice. I also think two of my females are pregnant (platties) cause they have darker tummies near the back of their tales than the male and its getting bigger each day.

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What I used to do with guppies is let them birth in the main tank and move the fry to a net breeder inside the main tank. Had a fair few plants though. If the fry are born in a smaller area, chances are they'll get eaten.

Good luck!

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