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Desk lamps for fish bowl.


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Hi guys,

I currently have a fish bowl that i'm trying to grow some plants in. I'm using one of those standard black desklamps that you see everywhere but i wanted to find something nicer to use for display.

I believe that halogen lights are not in the right spectrum for plants and are pretty inefficient but i like the look of this light so i thought i'd double check...

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =263731421

I also think this one is kinda cool. I'm assuming it'd work better...

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =264339081

Cheers, Milena

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I have the same problem at the moment with a little tank - number two looks promising and stylish - see if you can find out what wattage is it and if there are any lamps available with the right colour spectrum - you may find they are more expensive than the fitting itself.

Someone used to make a clip on aquarium lamp that was about 9w from memory, so the lamps may be available here.

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Thanks for your help :)

Well I can't really use a clip on cause the glass it too delicate and i'm trying to go for a more stream lined elegant look. None of the really nice lamps i seem to be coming across take CFLs but are all halogen.

The general consensus is that halogen bulbs just don't come in the right spectrum for plant growth right? Even when the water is shallow as in a bowl and the light is close? (will double check spectrums tomorrow and call lightbulbman.co.nz).

I would probably buy those lamps from the 2nd auction if they didn't need a plug adapter...most of the time you aren't suppose to leave those kinds of things plugged in consistently and they tend to experience weird power surges...will check what the power is in Dubai though.

The bulb i have in the desk lamp right now is really nice and low above the water (because i sorta hung it sideways off the fish tank beside the bowl) and it has a energy saver bulb that is 14W and 6400K...so i guess its doing a pretty good job. Time will tell with the plants.

Too bad i can't get my hands on one of those asian MH lights that amano uses for his nano tanks!

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Hahaha, very cute :)

See, now both those lights look like they could be halogen...in which case the lamp in the first auction would be perfect! It even has a base! Lol.

Wasn't supasi creating a little eco cube like that? I do actually have 10 of those let up in my windowsills with some rocks and a floating candle....I could convert all of them into extreme nanos!!

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