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My friends tank nightmare.


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My friend bought a 300 litre aquarium off trademe and put it on an old bench which I had told him did not look sturdy enough even though his dad assured him it was. About a week later I got a phone call from him saying that the tank had bowed and that there was a crack running through the whole base of the tank. He transfered all his fish (2 GBA 6 cories 3 kuhlis 1 platy and 2 discus) into a 50 litre aquarium. I agreed to take the discus off his hands because I knew they were not going to survive for much longer in his care. Is he going to have to replace the whole bottom of the tank or is there some way he can fix it?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Rather than replacing it, adding another sheet underneath the tank will be much stronger and easier (and heavier) than removing and replacing the cracked base.

also if your paying someone to do it much cheaper, because you would be paying for time...

even better get the glass and the silicon and DIY... easy and MUCH cheaper

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