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My Synodontis multipunctatus has bred successfully!!!!


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So I was in the process of selling all my fish and selling my tank, the fish didn't get any interest so I couldn't sell the tank. I was moving house (which is the reason for selling). It was one huge job moving a 6 foot tank, but all my fish survived. While moving I discovered a Synodontis multipunctatus fry!!!!!

I'm quite exciting as this is apparently not an easy feat... Not that I did anything the fish did it!

Just wondering if there are any other people out there who managed to get these to breed and how long they take to grow to a decent size!

This also means I've now got a confirmed breeding pair so I may end up selling them in a few months time...

I'll post pictures once my dsl is connected... I'm doing this by tethering my iPhone... don't get me started on telecom and ISP's....

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Gotta love they breaded fish :D

Any chance of a pic of the fry?? (the bread one :wink::wink: )

There's always one, in this case two. Spell checking does not catch muscle memory typos when the words are spelt correctly, congratulations, you're a forum smart arse!

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Well done on your Cuckoo's Eben.

What was the host fish? How big is the setup? host and synos?

Fry grow quickly, I have 3- 4cm juvis at 6 wks old, feeding "Viking' Discus granules because of its high protein.

I have had 3 batches now and an currently Empress holding something but every spawn in last mth has produced cuckoo fry so worth considering collecting any holding female in the future if you want to ensure fry survival.

here is the earlier thread


As for the spelling thing- Sow greyps maybe :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

I'll try to get a photo of the little guy today, I have to do some tank maintenance too...

So as for the questions to tank mates etc.

I pretty much run the PH at neutral, even though I know it should be higher, haven't had any problems with it though...

I do not do tank maintenance as regularly as I should, it tends to upset the tank dynamics too much - and believe me my fish spawn like there's no tomorrow.... I tend to get rid of the breeders as I don't have time to deal with the fry...

The cuckoos share the tank with 3 bristle noses, 2 synodontis njassae, 3 Frontosa, 3 Leleupi, 4 Lionheads, tropheus duboisi and a few fish of questionable backgrounds (don't ask I wont explain since everybody is an expert here and will voice an opinion I don't want to deal with - this might be the key to the cuckoos breeding though...).

For those asking about the fish for sale, PM me with an offer - I'm not going to list them yet as I believe most people would not buy right now due to xmas being only a few days gone...

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