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Scuba Diving in Milford Sound *Photos!!!*


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Fantastic photos! We were in Milford on Saturday too. Hubby & I just decided to take a spontaneous trip. We didn't go scuba diving though! Had dinner & a beer at the Blue Duck :)

I've done cruises on both sounds, most recently Doubtful. It was about 10 years ago that I was last in Milford so I can't remember enough to compare the two, but I soooo want to do a Milford Sound cruise again and go to the underwater observatory this time!

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The underwater observatory is pretty cool. I went there ages ago but it hadn't rained in a while so the freshwater layer wasn't as deep as usual so it wasn't as dark as normal down there.

Not in a photo club or anything. My good photos are mainly just luck, got to get as close to the subject as possible (flash doesn't penetrate water very far) and try and hold as still as possible (difficult when you're trying to battle currents & buoyancy).

We drove there, flying is far too expensive! Also, you're not meant to fly after diving cos you'll get the bends. We had to wait about 4 hours after the last dive before driving over the hill, just as a precaution since the road is at such a high altitude.

Ohh that reminds me, I was reading in their local rag about the guy who does commentaries on the cruise ships that visit the sound & the stupid questions he gets asked eg "How high about sea level is Milford Sound?"

Haha, I could write a book on stupid questions/comments that American tourists have asked me.

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