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Ancistrus sp. `Rio Ucayali`


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So finally I got me some of these beauties! :D :bounce:

I am awaiting positive confirmation of ID from Planet Catfish, but based on someone-else's similar buy they should be Ancistrus sp. `Rio Ucayali`




Ill get more pics up as they settle into the tank and start eating good protein foods. :D

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they look stunning when they settle down and go their proper dark brown/ blackish colour.

they are looking good so far :D I think i have caught the bug. if i work more this week and the next - ill get some more provided i can put some money aside. :D


:D :lol:

lots of whitespot. just the way its supposed to be :wink:

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Yes nice fish

The ID and the way it has been achieved worries me.

I see that there was plenty of 'looks like' and 'good guess' on the PC ID post but not too many 100% sure.

I could see that an argument for the fish being the same as others in threads looking for ID.

Perhaps a lot of wildcaughts of same species getting to different markets around the world at the same time frame makes sense.

But are they Rio Ucayali?. Where is any evidence or no mater how speculative that they were even sourced from that river?

Are they yet another species of many ancistrus that have that pattern type.

Are you going to commit to that name?

If so what lengths are you willing to go to ensure that all of those fish that came in are also designated to that name since they came in as something else.

Would you see any problem with the same fish having different names.

If it came in from the importer I suspect it has I would suggest it would be given as a creative name as possible, especially if that were correct. The fact it didn't could in itself mean it's ID is unknown.

The fact that ID questions for similar fish on PC start with yet another designated name to me builds up a situation of a spotted ancistrus with no real knowlege of its origin but that has similarity to known species of known origin.

Just throwing in another view. Cool little fish for sure.

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I can't trace what part of the river they are from, so am not going to confirm that they are indeed Rio...

What I do know is that they definitely are not An. dolichopterus as the wholesaler claims.

They 'seem' to be Rio Ucayali -but I won't confirm that until I get a proper positive ID - if I get a proper positive ID.

On another note, i went through the cat-e-log and these seem pretty consistent with Rio Ucayali's - including the orangish colour. only time will tell i suppose. Until then ill keep getting more in hopes to breed them someday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I can't trace what part of the river they are from, so am not going to confirm that they are indeed Rio...

What I do know is that they definitely are not An. dolichopterus as the wholesaler claims.

They 'seem' to be Rio Ucayali -but I won't confirm that until I get a proper positive ID - if I get a proper positive ID.

On another note, i went through the cat-e-log and these seem pretty consistent with Rio Ucayali's - including the orangish colour. only time will tell i suppose. Until then ill keep getting more in hopes to breed them someday.

If you breed them let me know ;)

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