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About to go away on holiday...


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Hey guys,

We are going away for 2wks and have Discus this time round (never left them this long before either), my mum has offered to do the feeding but states she won't do wc's :o this is a bit of an issue since mine are used to wc's every 2-3days and they demand to be fed a lot and quite often (all 7 line up at top right corner and stare until fed).

Have no idea as to how to deal with this? Do people hold back on the feeding leading up to the trip to make it easier or do people do less wc's to get them used to old water :o:o ? I'm worried that I'll come back to dead fish with my mother in charge so I need to start prep soon, going away in under two week's time.


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Fish lie! They always claim they are starving. Ignore them. Less food will not harm them. Better for them to be a little more hungry than usual than to feed the same but not do the usual water changes.

Make sure you divide food into containers so mum does not overfeed either (she will not believe they are lying) :wink:

Any locals able to do a water change or 2 for you?

Cut back now to what they will get while you are away. This will reassure you they are not coming to harm, or will starve while you are away.

I would even try a week of cutback feeds and water changes to see the result before you go too.

Make sure the filter is operating well before you go.

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I feed them 3-4 times a day currently how much do you recommend on cutting back Caryl?

I don't want to burden other people to come do waterchanges for me :-? feel quite uneasy knowing someone has gone out of their way to drive to my house and clean my tank for me while I'm enjoying myself on a holiday..

I have 2 external filters running all the time incase one fails, one filtering 1200L/H and the other 400L/H and my tank is 450L..I've always worried about filter failure, I will remind her to keep checking on them incase both fails :o

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Can't help it, I need to know I have every little thing sorted out before I go and back plans etc..

Have only gone away once for 3wks and that was before I got Discus, kept ringing to make sure mum wasn't over feeding my livebearers..came back to find out my 5yo sis had been doing the feeding with everyone in the tank looking like they're about to burst :o holidays are always a bit unnerving

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I was going to print out a feeding schedule to stick on the fridge door detailing when and what to feed since there are frozen Discus tucker and frozen bloodworms too, am leaving my mum in charge of my Angel tank (low maintenance THANK THE LORD) and my Discus tank and my dog (both of which are high maintenance).

Just wanting to know how much feeding I should cut back if there won't be any wc's done for two weeks? Down to one meal or two meals a day?

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I'll see if I can limit their feeding down to once per day, mum gets back from work around 10pm so aquarium lights would've gone off by then, just worried about the bullying that's all - since the biggests always gets lions share and the smallest get's what's left, if anything left.

I guess granules would be the cleanest way to go

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I seriously doubt restricting their diet and limiting the food available would do them much harm over a 2 week period. Like you say feeding them granules would be the cleanest way to go. With granules the ol' automatic feeder would do the work for you and your mom would only have to worry about the dog. That all being said I haven't got my discus yet and I'm sure when I get them I'll be as paranoid as you...

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I went to Aussie a few years ago when I had Discus.

Was gone for two weeks and just got someone to check them every second day and feed only on Saturdays. This meant they only got fed twice while I was away. I figured that they were better to go hungry and poop less than to be over fed with less waterchange.

I was so nervous walking in the room when I got home. To my releif they were very healthy looking and glad to see me.

I say relax. Ease off a bit now on the water changes so they get used to it and do a big change the day before/ or the day of leaving.

They will be sweet

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Just feed them one feeding every 3 days ( 1 feeding twice a week).

Don't feed frozen food.

Do a couple of big wc before you go.

You can start the feeding routine now if you want.

Don't worry about the discus and have a good time :lol:

They can go without food for 2 weeks and still be happy.


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I would go with Ron's suggestion as he knows about discus.

I was going to say once a day, since they are used to multiple daily feedings.

I go away for up to 2 weeks and leave the fish to fend for themselves. As my fish only get fed once or twice a week and I only do water changes once every few months that isn't a problem for me (but I don't have discus).

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hey tinytawnykitten - I have no space for them in the living room :o otherwise I would SO eagerly accept your offer, mum would go psyche if there was another filter in the lounge..but if you're looking at selling one I would be keen (when I get back from Aus and have worked a bit that is lol), giving up my fluval..planning on ripping out the undergravel system and fluval's almost had it

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