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Can we have some clarification on the correct dosage for e-mycin? I've read some posts that say one dose @ one 400mg tab per 100 litres. Others say continue dosing for seven days. Read another post that said just over half a 400mg tab per 100 litres.


Both are correct.

It has a very wide effective dosage range. I did two doses of 200mg per 100L I think when I did mine. I bet one dose would have been enough, it all looked dead within an hour or so.

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yeah, some tanks have a fairly immediate die-off, others take longer.

In my tanks I had to do the seven day one, and there was no sudden die-of, it just gradually reduced over that time. Took a *very* long time to come back too! (But of course, after you dose it you should be figuring out what caused the nutrient imbalance and making sure it doesn't happen again)

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