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Feeding bichirs


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Hey guys, i was just wondering what you guys feed your bichirs - what food makes them grow big (all the big polypterus owners out there), I feed mine mainly carnivore sinking pellets and sometimes some frozen stuff from hollywood, would live food make these fellas grow faster or maybe fish meat?


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My old Delhezi was eating Hikari sinking canivore, he could fit the whole thing in his mouth, was quite funny watching him chomp on it.

My new Del doesnt seem interested in anything at the moment, but I only got him last week, so got another week of starving to do :)

The Hikari sinking carnivore is great as its packed solid with protein, and birchirs can smell it a mile away.

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hello we feed our ornate bircher, goldfish feeders or bits of steak strips ,sometimes bloodworms only that my large ghost knife is in with him, as we had to take him out of our 700litre tank with our cichlids he tryed snacking on one of my malawis!!! grrr he doesnt eat pellets ...

how big is your bircher???

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Mine eats pretty much anything that will fit in his mouth and doesn't move too fast...so much for the great predator..scavenger more like.

Hikari sinking carnivore, ox heart, small mussells, worms,...the other fish's food spirilina tabs..trout pellets the varied diet agrees with him tho, he's still growing strong at close to 40cm and only about a year and a half old.

Biggest thing is making sure they get plenty, mine hardly grew much until I got rid of my oscar.

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hello we feed our ornate bircher, goldfish feeders or bits of steak strips ,sometimes bloodworms only that my large ghost knife is in with him, as we had to take him out of our 700litre tank with our cichlids he tryed snacking on one of my malawis!!! grrr he doesnt eat pellets ...

how big is your bircher???

But thats what Maliwis, Mbunas etc... are for isnt it? Feeders? :lol:

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hello we feed our ornate bircher, goldfish feeders or bits of steak strips ,sometimes bloodworms only that my large ghost knife is in with him, as we had to take him out of our 700litre tank with our cichlids he tryed snacking on one of my malawis!!! grrr he doesnt eat pellets ...

how big is your bircher???

I have 3 ornates at 20cm and 1 del at 10cm, one ornate used to be the biggest but refused to eat for some time allowing the others to put on size - now he is the submissive one :-? Seems like hikari sinking carnivore stuff is the way to go, I already have a silver and 1 siamese tiger + 1 indo tiger which all feed on hikari floation pellets, occasionally the bichirs come to the surface to eat them also. I have also tried feeding earth worms but I was wondering whether they might pose a health risk due to the soil they consume? May try some guppies tho 8)

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yeah we tryed feeding ours earth worms but wasnt really into it!!! ours is about 27cm we buy around 10 baby gold fish only the retart ones that are no good for selling off our local fish supplier we put in afew at night and are gone within the morning once we put the rest of the gold fish in a holding tank in the birchers tank in the morning the holding tank was lifted off and all the gold fish had been eaten!!!! lol so the bircher and the ghost knife had a great feed :D :lol:

but as the goldfish are not tropical they dont last to long are your birchers in there own tank ? we had to move ours has our cichlids were eating the goldfish to grrrr

rty cut thin bits of steak our get ribeye :wink: they love it!!!

I have 3 ornates at 20cm and 1 del at 10cm, one ornate used to be the biggest but refused to eat for some time allowing the others to put on size - now he is the submissive one :-? Seems like hikari sinking carnivore stuff is the way to go, I already have a silver and 1 siamese tiger + 1 indo tiger which all feed on hikari floation pellets, occasionally the bichirs come to the surface to eat them also. I have also tried feeding earth worms but I was wondering whether they might pose a health risk due to the soil they consume? May try some guppies tho 8)

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