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Shy pleco :(


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I brought a golden spot pleco 2 weeks ago, and i hardly ever see him :(

The guy at the store said that they like to hide out in caves, so i made him one with some rocks, and i angled it so i could see into it.

He usually in there, but never swims around, and every time i walking the room he quickly disappears into the cave again :/

How do i get him to like me ??? lol

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Most plecos like hiding much of the time and seem to prefer lower light levels. If they are comfortable in their surroundings they will come out more but they are always likely to be most active in the evenings and at night. As firenzenz says try tempting it with food. I assume you are talking about a gold nugget pleco. They are highly specialised biofilm grazers (ie. largely vegetarian) and should only be very fed very small quantites of high protein food (although they will love eating it). Good luck but its probably never likely to come out the front of the tank and say hello. :)

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IDK if this helps but I have a pair of BN's and one of their offspring. The male acts all macho with his misus but whenever I approach the tank, he'll go dead still then bolt back to his wood. The female is a more confident but doesn't overly enjoy sudden movements. Their offspring, hoping it's a girl, doesn't mind people or movement at all.


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I think the parents were raised differently. I raised mine in groups of 10+ in a really bright barebottom aquarium with on wood and a couple of plant clumps. Maybe it just got used to being exposed? Moved between several tanks, all really bright light situations too.

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Dither fish work with plecos also.

Sort of figures that if there are a lot of tetras around then it must be safe around.

if there are big predatory fish the plec will lay low until it works out they aren't a threat.

If there are no tankmates they will lay low most of the time.

Baby Ancistrus will smooch around without a care in the world, until they are big enough to look for their own hiding space, and the males will go for a cave as is their natural inclination.

The females will take any semi seclude space nearby, my girls seem to like the heaters, internal filters etc.

Sounds like your goldspot just needs to acclimatise.

keep Feeding the cucumber and your guy will learn that this new place he's in aint to bad.

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Just curious, What are they like for you ?

I'm not sure what a gold spot is, although I'm assuming its a gold nugget. A picture would help as different species can have very different feeding requirements. For example, gold nuggets are largely vegetarian while goldie plecos are one of the very few truly carnivorous plecos. The names that they are sold as are not always a good indication of what they are.

My plecos are mostly vegetarians although I do have carnivorous plecos and they all spend a fair amount of time hiding. The only plecos that come out often are my royal pleco and my male flash plecos as they like their food and will come out when I feed them. The rest only dart out quickly from their hideouts unless they are squabbling. Its probably a good thing that your fish spends a lot of time hiding. I'd be worried if it sat out in the open. If your pleco feels safe it will come out more. Just give it some time.

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ah-ha. Thanks phoenix and firenzenz - the pennies just dropped. :oops: Definitely having a blonde moment. Gold spots are really nice looking plecos and more active during the day than some species.

OK well a gold spot is definitely an omnivore so mainly veggies and algae wafers plus a few meaty foods (bloodworms, shrimps, shrimp pellets, etc.). As its gets larger (they grow to at least a foot long) it will likely get quite confident and territorial, possibly bosing other plecos around in the tank, and it should come out for food.

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How can you all get so confuzzeld? Goldspot pleco?

THe guy@ animates is really knowledgeable about this kinda stuff, and he told me it was a gold spot pleco.

If your ever in The Kaiwharawhara animates, ask for less! say you know Dylan ;)

And how am i meant to see the bloody things tail? i cant even see him as a whole ! lol

hehehe just joking :P Ill try and have a look tomorrow. Thanks for you help. :D

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if you paid 20 bucks or near that it is a gold spot. if you paid 180+ it is a gold nugget :lol:

i have a gold spot too. all it seems to do is hide. even the fancier plecos come out to play and eat but all the gold spot does is hide. i find they do well in large numbers as small fish. they get nutty when they are larger though.

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L001-genus-Pterygoplichtys. I've seen red sots called the same.

Aquavitamins - if your fish has 10 rays on dorsal then this is your fish.

Two weeks is a short time in a plecs life, so give it time.

Ignoring that common names are pretty much used for whatever the lfs wants... goldspots and redspots are opposite patterns. Gold spots are gold/tan/reddy patches on a black background, redspots are black patches on a gold/tan/reddy background.

I have one of each.:)

Oh...Then there's also the golden spotted pleco.

Goldspot(Not my pic)


Redspot(Is my pic)


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