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Aquaclear filters


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Anyone know a US site that sells AC's that will ship to NZ?

The yanks get AC110s for as cheap as $35USD ($50NZD) but the cheapest ive ever seen them in NZ shops is $180...

Im all for supporting LFS, but thats one helluva price difference!

Having trouble finding a site that ships outside the US though...

cheers 8)

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Do they have the right voltage?

I never even thought of that!

As well as using different plugs...

grr... might just optimise my current filters. Running a cf1200 alongside a clearview 800. Not terribly impressed by what the clearview can hold... not a lot...

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Damn economy of scale! I curse it everytime I go out and buy mascara! I miss Canada sometimes :(

Canada/US is only 120V which is basically half of what NZ uses and their plugs are not slanted. I successfully use some of my electonics with just a plug converter as they are within the range of 100-240V...laptop, battery charger, curling iron, etc... I imagine an Aquaclear filter would be ok (you can check if it has that range online), I used to have one in Canada but I don't remember what the powerhead said. Anything that is not within range, you can use a power converter...although at this point, I don't know whether its worth the hassle. The only thing I've had a problem with is clocks not working because of the difference in Hz. Even though its says it can do 50-60 HZ, the time ticks by quicker!

I think that if u hunt on Ebay.com and Ebay.ca, you will come across a seller who can do shipping reasonably and will send here.

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Something you also need to think about is if you will be any better of at the end of the day

I was thinking about it and if you pay:

$50- $70 for the filter

$30-$60 for shipping (size will make it expencive)

$20 for your bank to pay overseas (yes I work in a bank and that is what it costs from our end)

$20 to $60US for the other bank to receive the funds (again yes they do charge that unless you make a credit card payment)

and 2 hours of your time looking and arranging shipping at a cost if $15 an hour for your time

That by my calculation is between $150 and $240

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not quite. if you want NZ rates you gotta look at your banks / FI's website.

FX shading and margins are not included in direct quotes, unless its from the institutions website.

doesn't make much of a difference on a couple of hundred bucks though. Paypal is good. least you can fix the rate and pay in a local currency.

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The only way that would happen is to have a friend in the states to send all the stuff too, then they can send it to NZ.

If you buy from the same place youd be able to.

Im looking at AC70s now, 2 AC110s might be overkill on my tank (14x turnover, whearas 2 70's would give 9x)

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How cheap are their filters over there?

I'd be keen to get some miniature canister filters but the shipping price always put me off. Maybe if you asked (and were willing) you could see if there were some supplies that people on here needed that you could order to help with your shipping costs?

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How cheap are their filters over there?

I'd be keen to get some miniature canister filters but the shipping price always put me off. Maybe if you asked (and were willing) you could see if there were some supplies that people on here needed that you could order to help with your shipping costs?

Its too much trouble considering my filtration is pretty sorted, just wanted to try out something to see if its better...

ah well, onto the next project :D

*goes to post new project thread*

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Also Sam, the rules state; No posts are to be made with the intention of forming a bulk purchase or import by invite to meet a minimum order quantity . The FNZAS website is not to be used in any way for any individual or business to prospect customers or form a buying group.

We have had major problems in the past, at least one leading to a lawsuit, hence the rule :roll:

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Also Sam, the rules state; No posts are to be made with the intention of forming a bulk purchase or import by invite to meet a minimum order quantity . The FNZAS website is not to be used in any way for any individual or business to prospect customers or form a buying group.

We have had major problems in the past, at least one leading to a lawsuit, hence the rule :roll:

What about the heat pad ordering?

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