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Getting water from wetpets.?


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whats wrong with the water from the tap?

(although phoenix44 said some of the palmy water was terrible for his africans)

I am only new to fish.

we lost our first lot of fish due to not cycling the tank first(I didn't know and was told to wait 3 days then come back and get the fish)

so thought it would be easier to just use there water which is already filter so I am lead to be believed.?

If I am wrong say so.

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I am only new to fish.

we lost our first lot of fish due to not cycling the tank first(I didn't know and was told to wait 3 days then come back and get the fish)

so thought it would be easier to just use there water which is already filter so I am lead to be believed.?

If I am wrong say so.

I think Wet pets claims to run theirs through some kind of filter, I don't know what.

Also, waiting 3 days is not cycling your tank. At best it's just making sure the temp is stabilised and any sediment from the substrate has cleared out.

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i think the Wetpets water is $1 per 20 litres.

I just use water straight from the tap and add Stress Coat or Prime to take the nasties out - palmy's water is pretty bad for fish so make sure you do use some sort of water ager.

But agreed with all about cyling your tank first, how big are the tanks and what fish are going in them?

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i think the Wetpets water is $1 per 20 litres.

I just use water straight from the tap and add Stress Coat or Prime to take the nasties out - palmy's water is pretty bad for fish so make sure you do use some sort of water ager.

But agreed with all about cyling your tank first, how big are the tanks and what fish are going in them?

We are getting 120L and a 75 one.

Sounds like hubby wants Angel fish in the 75L so will set up a 30L INCASE they breed.

the 120L well I am not to sure as yet what is going to go in there.

The 50L one is just Gonna have BN in it if I can get some golden ones and maybe some gold Guppies

We are gonna use our other living area for all the tanks Just got to make sure that when Summer really hits that the sun can't get on the tanks so working on where the sun is at what time in the other living area.

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Alrightie then, so I would proberly start off adding 1 or 2 BN's or a couple of guppies to the tanks to start of the cyling process (you can't cycle a tank without fish in there) and then slowly add more fish over say a few months period

I usually tend to add 2 fish a week to let the filter build up enough good bacteria to handle the load

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Don't cycle with BNs. They need an established tank. Guppies seem to die easily these days too :(

Danios are good to cycle with but there is also the "fishless cycle" that is very popular overseas (but personally I couldn't be bothered with). A number of members here have done a fishless cycle I think.

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agreed with dixon :)

ive never cycled a tank and never lost a fish due to water changes/setting up etc

i just setup a tank, do regular water changes every couple days for a week or so and then do water changes when ever i start seeing waste on bottom of tank

it seems some are religous about cycling etc but i am total opposite, did not even know what it was until around a year ago

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The water will be filtered of metals and chlorine but you still have to cycle your tank because not many of those beneficial bacterial actually stay suspended in the water column. I think it will help kick start your cycling BUT you are better off getting some old media from a filter or some old substrate that would have a good colony of bacteria in it. I don't know if Wetpets could provide you with and sponge filters or bio-noodles for your filter though...seems unlikely.

I'm not too religious about cycling either. I usually set up a tank, let it run for a week, add some 'Cycle' and water conditioner and salt, and then just start putting some fish in starting with the hardiest ones. If you buy too many at once, that is when you will get those dangerous ammonia spikes due to insuffieciently cycled tank.

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Like Caryl says, many cycle their tanks without knowing what they're doing. You cannot say you've never cycled a tank before if your tank is successfully converting ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. Then it's cycling. It's like saying, "I've never eaten before." While stuffing food into your mouth, chewing and swallowing. You've just never paid any attention to what it's doing.

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I guess what people mean is that they've never cycled a tank whereby they measure the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate religiously and/or without fish.

Like Caryl says, many cycle their tanks without knowing what they're doing. You cannot say you've never cycled a tank before if your tank is successfully converting ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. Then it's cycling. It's like saying, "I've never eaten before." While stuffing food into your mouth, chewing and swallowing. You've just never paid any attention to what it's doing.
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