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loaches vs snails vs shy fish

Mad Whip

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Hi All,

I got some plants from a friend and now I have snails. I was thinking of getting a loach or two to eat them I want a breed of loach that is not nippy toward my Male betta,tetras and corys. the tank will be densely planted so want to keep to a small snail eater.



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Most loaches seem to be great community fish. What size is the tank?

And what's the matter with snails? I have heaps and they do no harm at all.

I just don't like snails. The tank is 250L four foot. I intend to end up with three bettas a school of corys and about 100 ember tetra. There are 2 otos and 2 small plecs to eat the alge.

Does any one have dwarf chain loaches? I like them as they are small.

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We have 3 clowns in our 4 fotter and there are a few betta in there without any problems.

We had to get the clowns because when we got the tank the sand was full of small snails. When I say full of them I am meaning I more than half filled a 1L bowel with them when I cleaned the sand (unfortunalty after it was put in the tank)

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We have 3 clowns in our 4 fotter and there are a few betta in there without any problems.

We had to get the clowns because when we got the tank the sand was full of small snails. When I say full of them I am meaning I more than half filled a 1L bowel with them when I cleaned the sand (unfortunalty after it was put in the tank)

Clown loaches get notoriously big! Think 30cm and 30 year life span! Considering there are lots of different loaches around who eat snails, others might be more suitable than clowns (unless you are prepared to re-home them when they grow too big).

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Dwarf Chains are awesome I have a group of 9 in my 2' and have zero snails.

Striata or zebras loaches are also good for snail control, marginly bigger but still waay smaller than clowns.

I second that. I have Dwarf Chains (only 2 at the moment) and 3 Zebras. I originally got 2 small zebra loaches a couple of years ago to control the snail explosion I had and they cleaned them up so quickly. I find them a bit nippy between themselves, I think its just playing though. Not so much towards other species of fish.

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