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Whats up with my female starlight (L182)


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Over the last week she has developed a pale patch on the bridge of her nose and a few more patches over her entire body, her tail also looks a bit tatty.

She is still very active and has a healthy appetite

The water quality is fine. The only change I have made is to add another smaller female to the tank (about two weeks ago). The other small female and the male look fine. They are the only occupants of the tank.

Any ideas? It doesn't look like fighting wounds to me but I could stand corrected.


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I've recently had a problem with my starlight (L182) also. Found a couple of puncture wounds on the belly and no reason of why. Only other fish in the tank are fry, some panda cory's and khuli's. Been keeping an eye on it and it is healing slowly but getting there. There isn't anything sharp in the tank that would have done it either. Strange. I'm thinking with yours, possible fungal? Not sure though, maybe your boy is getting territorial over his girls. I always keep more caves in my tanks than plec's and very rarely see any aggression in them.

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Thanks for the input guys :hail:

From my experience with plecos stress is the primary reason for colour change.

If it's not the water then the addition of the other female is the logical thought.

I would be surprised if it was fungal but i wont rule it out

Someone on the fishkeepers forum suggested that it may be heater burn.

Any other ideas?

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I've seen similar on my BN several times, It gradually got worse and red and sore looking, I treated successfully with furan 2 in a hospital tank.

Keep an eye on it.

Good luck bro

Thanks mate. I was hoping that an experienced pleco nut had come across the same problem.

I will isolate and treat her first thing in the morning :hail::hail::hail:

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Hi Kiwiplymouth we have been wondering about ours too, this is the original photo of our male and he hasn't really improved any.


The girls have a more even all over colouring but never solid . I am assuming this is because ours are still young but yours are older, they are their parents. In saying that could it be hormonal?????

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