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I have a new job!!!!

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When I was tech I was working from 4.30 til between 7 and 9pm at a bar in a hotel, that was really good cause it was after tech and they were really flexible.

There are other places like supermarkets etc, I know its not that most ideal job but it'll bring some money in!

Im going to be 2IC at Amazon surf and street here in Nelson. I cant wait!!!

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:bounce: Well done pufferfishnz! :bounce:

It can get very disheartening when you have been looking for a long time and you don't find anything - especially when every day on the news you're hearing about growing unemployment. It can be so easy to get discouraged and feel like giving up.

Congratulations on getting on with it and not giving up! :D

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tell you what, as a employer its hard to get someone as well

People dont turn up or lie to you about what they have done. Ive even had people apply that have been stoned then want more than I earn. I guy told me he was happy to start on $30 per hour

Ive now given up for a few months

You mention suppermarkets, them and the red shed are 2 of the best trainers of people Ive come accross as they are shown how to deal with "awkward " customers

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Congratulations pufferfishnz :wink:

Hope it all goes well for you.

I have just Employed another Staff Member after dismissing one under the 90 Day Trial Law.

Had 40 Applicants for the 20 Hours a Week Position I was offereing, GOSH, I can tell you, I saw some sights, people dont seem to realise FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT, I very very quickly had a Yes Pile, a Maybe Pile and a Definite NO Pile.

A think of it as, a First Impression to me, is no different than The First Impresion they will be giving to MY CUSTOMERS that walk in the door.

So after going over all the CV's, I found my Girl, she starts tomorrow :D She too will be on the 90 Day Trial :wink:

Good Luck for your new Job


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oh i know, ive done my time as a manager and the sights I used to see. i think alot of people forget the whole "first impression" thing.

Never EVER lie on your cv (or in person for that matter) your prospective employer will ALWAYS find out. Don't say you've got skills you don't, but always always list all the skills that are relevent to the job. If you can don't leave any job out

Be honest. I know sometimes being honest is hard because of past jobs and what happened in them, but if they know you are honest they know they can trust you.

1 last thing too....when you go to the interview have some questions prepared about the job. I did this for the interview for my new job and she said I was the only one who had any questions. They were good ones too....

- What are my duties and responsibilities? (so you know what your in for and can't say you didn't know)

- Whats the biggest challenge I will have in this job?

-Any induction and training with this job?

-Any chance of broader experience or moving up?

-Do you as a company do performance and apprasials? and how often?

-How big is the team of staff?

-How is Head Office (if they have one) structured?

Those were the exact questions that I asked at the interview....personally I think that made a HUGE difference.

If you haven't asked questions like that at an interview yet, try it at your next one, the interviewer will see you differently (in a good way) for being prepared and it shows that you thought about the interview before hand ( that you use your brain and can do things without having to be asked or told)


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well done Puffer

One guy (17yo kid) asked one question

"do you provide the beers after work" and Im honestly not having you on

for the record, we may have a beer once or twice a year as they guys are always on job and finish

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One guy (17yo kid) asked one question

"do you provide the beers after work" and Im honestly not having you on

for the record, we may have a beer once or twice a year as they guys are always on job and finish

I would have told him that the new kid buys :wink:

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Well done pufferfishnz! :bounce:

Something that impresses at an interview is if you do your homework about the prospective employer beforehand and are able to ask a pertinent question to show you have researched them before the interview :wink:

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why would a 17yo be even interested enough to think about that at a interview and it shows the type of employee you would be hiring

why would I want to employ a person thats interested enough in booze to ask a question like that at an interview

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Congrats on the job!! It sounds pretty nice, especially with the staff discount. *drool*

My work gets horrendous amounts of people applying for jobs. The last time we advertised we got 90 applicants for the one part time position. Although it's pretty easy to sort through the CV's and figure out which ones just want to pet the animals all day... :roll:

The strangest 'applicant' had to be the lady who called up on behalf of her 11 year old son who could come in on the weekends for "work experience" and get paid for it! :o I don't know what she thinks it is we do here, but I still wonder if an 11yr old sales professional would get any sales...

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