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Bolivian Rams vs Guppies!!!


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Hi Everyone

Can you tell me if Rams will eat full grown guppies? I would like to mix them but am unsure if the guppies would survive? I'm guessing the fry wont. 8)

Also, do Rams school in a group like tetras or are they more individuals in a tank?


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Rams are cichlids - and hence territorial. They do not schoal.

They arent really aggressive, but will midly defend their territory from each other and other fish.

Ive had mine 'bulldoze' my corys - literally ram and push them from the side... lol

They wont even eat tetras. Let alone adult guppies. Fry will get eaten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, I concur. We have a tank full of guppies with a pair of Bolivians and frankly, the Bolivians are some of the most peaceful fish ever. When they are minding a bunch of babies, they do guard and protect their fry, but I've never seen them injure any other fish in the tank.

Incidently, I have a much smaller German blue ram, however, who is da man boss of all the cichlids in that same tank – he will have a go at the Bolivians and the other blue ram, but I've not seen him bother the guppies either.

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