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i found some fry


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I was pulling apart a small tank last night when i found to my surprise :o 4 'lipstick barb' fry and some other really tiny fry,possibly 'checker barb'.No pics as our camera got dropped,hope they survive as the heater was off for a while and the water got real stirred up. Are microworms small enough for barb fry?

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cool i will try a syringe thingy to get the liquid worms,i thought the lipsticks would be alright on the worms as they are big enough to tell what they are but the others are super small fry. I was trying to breed the lipsticks but thought it wasn't gonna happen cause the male is a bit of a wife beater :oops: stink thing was i had already removed 3/4 water before i noticed them,could they survive inside a canister filter? The mystery's are either checkers,kuhlis,bns or more lipsticks :bounce:

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I love these stories.

A while back some disease broke out in my tank so I moved the BN's into a tank I had just prepared for my new Betta. They decided that was a good time to breed so I left them in there. When the fry were big enough I cleared out the parents and caught about 10 fry, I was sure I got them all. I then vaccumed the tank and drained it till it was almost empty. Refilled it with cold tap water and started up the tank power again. To my surprise, the next morning when the water had cleared, there was a little baby Bristle Nose sucking on the glass.

Shows how tough BN's are!

Congrats on the fry, it's not too easy to breed barbs, is it?

Be thankful that you got some free fish!

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I had the same thing, my lumphead cichlids were living in a tank with big gravel for a few weeks while their new tank was being organised, then I moved them out, and raised the salinity in the old tank to 1.010, and added my 2 puffer fish. About 3 months later, when the salinity was about 1.018 (almost marine), I found about 10 fry, who were big and happy and healthy. They're still alive now (breeding themselves, actually!) 6 months on.

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