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High PH?


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I have a 20L new tank setup as an angel spawner.

Its barebottom.

Has a heater

Plastic breeding cone

and a sponge filter - the water and the sponge filter were taken from a cycled 6.8ph tank.

I dosed with methyline blue this week, and its also still cycling - nitrites but no nitrates yet - nothing too high, the ammonia is 0.5ppm

Just to cover my bases I did two 50% water changes in quick succession, and took the breeding cone out and boiled it (just in case was leeching chemicals)

Any ideas of why the PH is so high?

Auckland water has next to no buffering, and the ph outta the tap is lower.

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Doh sorry cant believe I posted all that without putting what the PH is.

Its 7.8 :o

I want 6.8. All my other tanks are between 6.2 and 6.8, no idea why this is so high.

Its been like this since I filled it and started running it last weekend.

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7.0 is the perfect PH for Angels.

Yes and their tank is at an even more perfect 6.8. Kh is 3 deg so has minimum optimal buffer for them.

The breeding tank is 7.8

My CA/SA Cichlid tank is 6.0 (lots of new driftwood)

Tap water is 7.0

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I can't figure out why your one tank has a much higher pH then the others, especially when it has nothing in it.

But you could maybe add some peat moss in a mesh bag into your tank/filter canister and that will help bring it down.

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