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Singapore Aquarama 2009 : Many Photo


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Awesome photos :bow::bow::bow:

The fish in the last 4 photos, is it supposed to look like that???

"Singapore Auarama"...just what is that an aquarium??? :oops:

Just wondering, hoping these beauties are being kept in right conditions from their beauty it looks like they are!


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Awesome photos :bow::bow::bow:

The fish in the last 4 photos, is it supposed to look like that???

"Singapore Auarama"...just what is that an aquarium??? :oops:

Just wondering, hoping these beauties are being kept in right conditions from their beauty it looks like they are!


Singapore Aquarama is the name of the biggest fish show/competition held in Singapore every year (every 2 years). Entries for the competion come from all over the world.

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been linebred over a few hundreds years now in those Asian countries...remember my dad used to be obssessed with finding goldfish like these and offering to buy the breeding stock off some breeders here just for our tank :roll: and even then they weren't as well bred as these

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Its a matter of personal taste. They are breeding these fish for specific features and like in the dog world they go to extremes. Like the rooster bred for a long tail (10 feet or more) may look impressive but just doesnt work for the rooster (Bred in Japan). These extremes are not generally to my taste. :cry::cry:

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Ughh they all look disgusting :o :-?

I strongly agree with Dixon. I find balloon mollies and balck moors bad enough but some of these fish look horrible. Can they even swim? I get the point of specific breeding but this is just too far.

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