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I.D. on fish please


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i thought giant at first as there are quite a few in the stream, but the others are not as dark as this fish

in natural light it is a dark brown, the slight pattern only shows under flash

the lower jaw could be described as slightly undershot, only slightly though

that fact and dark behind gills made me think of shortjaw

there are some younger dark fish at about inanga size in the stream with black patches in the same place and some koaro too

so i will have to go spotlighting :D

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Hi Abigail,

I so want one!!

Though the tanks are looking quite shabby at the moment, shall have to put off getting any new fish to one day in the future when I have a more settled schedule...

(The latest addition, a few months back, was a dwarf galaxias. Seems to be a real morning person, and totally hyperactive. I swear they are small because they put all their energy into swimming really fast instead of growing!)

Do you know what the black patch on kokopu etc is? I have noticed the patch on my shortjaws has a slightly different texture to the rest of their body.

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cool, youd want to see him hunting its AWESOME he's like a wee predatory flying carpet :-)

re black patch, I have no idea if it serves any potential function - something for you to look into maybe, give you an excuse to feel up your fish more often :-)

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hello livingart, sorry I didn't see your post. also sorry because I think this may be what is referred to as "hijacking a thread" I'm a bit inexperienced with "foruming" so big sorry if Ive been rude!

No idea how to post a pic but I'll send one to Stella in the hope that she'll do it for me :-)

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