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Uhoh *Cough*


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Just got my new dremel and was having a look through it.

Some of it is assembled in Mexico! *Cough*Cough* I think I have swine flu now.*Cough* Going to have to call in sick to work...*Cough*Cough* :cry:

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You do know that you can buy Chinese knockoff complete with extension, stand and a heap of fittings for $40. Then all you have to watch for is chicken flu. Easier to catch a chicken than a Mexican.

Why do you think I paid $150 for a proper dremel? Because the edit:suphew chinese knockoff broke after a grand total of about 5 minutes use and three complete teardowns.

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I have both and the each have done a lot of work and you wouldn't know the difference. Bet you don't buy the dremmel cutting tools.

Well, so far the dremel is

A: Still working after a minute or two use unlike the other one.

B: HEAPS quieter.

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I had a dremel for years but bought the knockoff for the stand. The whole setup was less than half the price of what I paid for the dremel flexible extension. A lot of shops down here have stopped stocking the dremel tools as no one buys them with the knockoffs up the road.

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