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Eskimo should be changed?


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well years ago i was told that Pakeha meant maggot, not sure if this is true or not & the fact that i haven't tried to find out means i dont care, im a kiwi & its what i think of my ancestry that counts. if you spend your life trying to change what others think then its a life wasted.

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I may stand corrected but I understand that pakeha means stranger or strange person. If you think of the people on the beach gathering shellfish when Capt Cook arrived in a sailing ship in the strange garb of those days it would not be hard to believe. I was also told that maori meant normal person and that they generally regarded themselves as being of a certain tribal ancestry rather than a race.

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maybe she should be honoured to have such a delicious treat named after her people? If I was a sweet company rep I'd be going there!

I always thought the shape was meant to represent a papoose? Y'know a little swaddled baby Inuit? Not a really fat adult!

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My friend told his liberated partner that he was going to go down the manhole and fix the leaking waste pipe which had turned the area under the floor into something not nice. He was reminded thatit should be a person hole and promptly declared that it would be that when someone else climbed into the mud and gunge.

holden have released a recall on all statesman models from 1970 onwards. there has been a complaint regarding the name of that model so all are to be rebadged as Statesperson! :lol:

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To all the people out there :o , you have a Inuit in your forum :bounce: :bounce: . My great grandfather was one, he traveled to NZ and married. The woman in question was a younger chick with a idea if she caused trouble she would make a name for herself. :evil: :evil: Rubbish :x . My Auntie traveled there 5 years ago and was treated like a queen as none of our familes have returned. (My Grandad is a local legened,as the boy who never returned). The Inuit people are a very humble people and I think they would think it is a honour to have a lollie named after them on the other side of the world. I know I am very proud of my Inuit heritage. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 8) Gave me a laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol: I might even go out and buy a big packet today to celebrate my heritage. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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To all the people out there :o , you have a Inuit in your forum :bounce: :bounce: . My great grandfather was one, he traveled to NZ and married. The woman in question was a younger chick with a idea if she caused trouble she would make a name for herself. :evil: :evil: Rubbish :x . My Auntie traveled there 5 years ago and was treated like a queen as none of our familes have returned. (My Grandad is a local legened,as the boy who never returned). The Inuit people are a very humble people and I think they would think it is a honour to have a lollie named after them on the other side of the world. I know I am very proud of my Inuit heritage. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 8) Gave me a laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol: I might even go out and buy a big packet today to celebrate my heritage. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Whereabout is "There"?

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Ira said. " Where is there?

My Auntie went to Conception Bay, it is in St. John. In New Findland. (We on this side pronounce it New Foundland).

Livingart is correct Inuit is a subtribe of Indians. Eskimo is the common group name. Like Maori with all the sub tribes.

We here in NZ always have younger people trying to make a name for them selves by stirring up trouble and this girl is just another one of these.

To all the people that know me and have been to my house will see around the many fish tanks, many Indian heads (not real :lol: ) statues and items from my Grandmother passed down to us.

Thank you to all who replied to this thread. Your wisdom about a silly subject is correct. :hail:

Next time you eat a Eskimo lollie enjoy it. As we all did as kids eating a Eskimo pie, they were get ice-creams too. Have a great day. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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