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YAY! My new Species Tank!


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After a lot of planning and organising, I FINALLY got my new Bumble Bee Goby species tank set up and running yesterday!

I planned for it to go in my husbands office (unbeknownst to him!) and carefully took the measurements for it to go on the shelf. I then went and had the tank made at Port Nic, picked it up last weekend and just had to wait for it to finish curing and water test it.

here's the shelf before the tank arrived:



And here's the finished product:


It has sand substrate, barnacles and shells for hidy-holes and decorations, plants include Ambulia, crypt, Tiger Lotus, Hygrophila, Java Fern and Val; a touch of wood and a few lime stones, and of course, my gorgeous little Bumble Bee Gobies!

Here's a few bad close up's of the fish:



Yay! I'm so excited!

The only change to be made is a slightly different filter as hubby find the sponge filter a bit loud and annoying, and I think it needs another bit of wood on the right hand side to balance it out a bit, but other than that I'm stoked!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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No lamp/light at this stage, it gets lots of natural indirect light from the very large window on the other side of the office.

They're more likely to need ear muffs anyway with the volume my hubby watches his movies in there!

I've been trying to breed these guys for probably over 6 months with no luck, so until I get out my Secret Breeding Weapon, I'm just going to leave them to establish their territory and get comfy :D

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It currently has 11 gobies in it, and it seems to be a nice balance - this morning they were all out, very active hopping around the tank!

It is only partly brackish, I do use salt but not as much as I should, so the plants should adapt ok. Some came out from their original tank too so they are used to it already.

I have another brackish tank, but I can't put them in that one as the Mono Angels are likely to think they are a tasty snack!

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