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Golden Algae Eaters


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so what's the goss with these guys?

Some people say they are peaceful - some say they are nightmares.

some say they like being in groups, and some say they are best kept alone.

then course some say pfft to all the above.

so now im confused.

I got 2 the other day - and im hoping to get more... but should I?

PS- i hope they eat more than just algae, cause they'll struggle to find that in my tank. will they eat hikari?

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I had one and it was awesome until it was about 6 months old and about 7cms long and then it just chased and latched onto any fish that it took a dislike to in my community tank THEN I had to get someone else to catch the **** when I decidedto get rid of it lol, it would eyeball me then take off if I even looked like I was going to put a hand let alone a net in the tank :roll: :-? :D

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hmm.... maybe i should have posted this BEFORE i got them hahahahaha.

they are so pretty though!

i cant catch any fish in my tank. its virtually impossible. too much wood, too many plants. suppose its now survival of the fittest.i usually give up after 2 hours of my hands in the tank with 6 nets.

any other GAE experiences out there?

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